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Thursday, December 23, 2004

Christmas cards will be late this year ^^;;;

I've been working non-stop since school let out, so I've had no time for anything >_< on top of which, I was doing the image online and my brother has done something to the network at home and now my computer is the only one without internet access. Argh. It sucks to be me.

But, yeah... cards will be sent out eventually... just late T_T

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Thursday, December 16, 2004

still really unmotivated... I wanted to draw all day yesterday, but ended getting nothing done ~_~ argh.

the new Advent Children trailer makes me a happy fangirl. I love you Rufus, even if you are stuck in a wheelchair~

New wallpaper posted. Advent Children related ^_^

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Tuesday, December 14, 2004

One new sketch. It has the same two guys that were in the Mafia pic I posted a while back (omigawed, boys kissing! *shot dead*)

And~ My overall rating on this site is the lowest it's ever been. I don't know why, but this amuses me. I'm all fine with people not liking my art, but can I know why? O_o I'm curious, I tell you! Even funnier is that several pics I don't even like are highly rated *laughs* All the pics I like have low ratings though T_T I'm never surprised when sketches are marked low (cause, you know, they're sketches and aren't colored) but the top 4 pics in my gallery are all sketches O_O and only one of the lowest 4 is a sketch (the rest are colored... though I guess it's sort of understandable, since two of them are older pics and one of them was fanservice)

Just find it sort of... odd.

And, contrary to popular belief, I don't bite. I like comments (be they good or bad) and won't kill you for saying something bad (as long as it's constructive. If I get comments like "Omigawd, you drew *insert random character name here*, you suck!" then I will be vaguely irritated XD;)

For example... on my sketch of Edward (FMA.. which is, oddly enough, highly rated O_O) someone pointed out that one of Ed's arms it too short. OMIGAWD, I totally didn't notice T_T and so I look at the pic and, of course, his arm IS too short. See, if that person never said anything I wouldn't never known. Edward pic has since been fixed (though I've lost it and can't post the fixed version ^^;)
I've also been told my hand writting is bad T_T so...erhm... I'm working on it ^^;;

Anyway, point of the rant is... even if you don't like my pic (say, you hate it cause say the color is off or something is drawn oddly) let me know~ I'd love that lots. I don't even care if you vote no on the piccy, I just wanna know why because it helps me improve. Seriously.

okay, end rant XD

I should be studying, but I'm so unmotivated that it isn't funny T_T

off I go to uncermoniously fail my art history exam *shot dead*

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Wednesday, December 8, 2004

new pic, self portrait.
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Thursday, December 2, 2004

two new pics, six new greetings, a few new wallpapers (I'm trying to decide which ones to upload now XD;)
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Thursday, November 18, 2004

Christmas time, yo
so~ every year I make Christmas cards. I do them two ways - get them printed and mail them out to people and email them to people who can't/don't want to give out their address.

So~ if anyone wants a card, PM me ^_^ if you want it mailed to you, send me your mailing addy (and your name... O_o you'd think this would be a given, but last year almost half the addresses I was given didn't have a name included. I need to know who I'm sending the card to ^^;)
But, if you can't/don't want to give out such information, I can email you the card as well.

Cards are mailed a few weeks before Christmas and emailed the day before.

also posted some random art

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Tuesday, November 16, 2004

New pic... original stuff... Rubi, who's the mascot (sort of XD) of my website. This may get used as my title image instead of the last pic I posted (getting away with murder)... I like this one better XD;

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Wednesday, November 10, 2004

New art~
New sketch, though it's a work in progress ^^; I found it in my sketchbook the other day (and started to work on it again, because D hates me T_T and I've misplaced that pic of Steve *cries*)...

They're both from a manga I'm working on with my bro (titled Zarthis... and it's different from my webcomic ^^; which is also being worked on). Friends that have seen the pic in my book commented on how Kiya's (the girl) ears aren't like I normally draw elf ears... but that's because she isn't an elf XD she's something else~ I always draw "elf" ears with the curls on the end ^__^ because I always thought elves were elgegant~ so... that's why the curls, I guess *laughs*

Mamoru is the other person in the pic, and isn't done yet (the image was cropped because his weapon and hands weren't finished). His outfit is also horrible T_T and he looks like some kind of freaking cowboy *dies* so that'll get redone ~_~

randomly, I'm working on a "poster" for my webcomic, now that I know who all the characters are~ (as they're all actually old characters slightly redone ^^; and I need to practice drawing them)

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Monday, November 8, 2004

fangirl time~
okay, so I'm really happy about some of the japanese voice overs in Advent children~

Reno -- Keiji Fujiwara-- same guy who did Hughes in FullMetal alchemist XD *dies*

Rufus -- Toru Okawa -- omigawd, Rufus XD *flails* also Roy in FMA

Sephiroth -- Toshiyuki Morikawa -- he has really fun hair, btw. He did Jounichi in Yu-Gi-Oh O_o wtf? But he also did Griffith from Berserk, so that should kick all kinds of ass

Zack -- Kenichi Suzumura -- Rainheart from Galerians O_O scary~ but also Kamui from X~ and he did Gippal from FF X-2, so he can't be too bad.

Kadaj- Shoutarou Morikubo -- Ginji in Getbackers, Shikamaru in Naruto

I didn't know any of the other people~ cept the guy who did Cloud, who was Sion in the bouncer, but wasn't sure that was worth mention ^^;

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Thursday, November 4, 2004

Two pics posted... one is old that I found today and tossed up because I could *laughs* It's a collab pic between me and Jyun. I hated it T_T but he liked it and finished it, and made it cool~ yah XD

2nd pic is a sketch of Goku from Saiyuki. Nothing special, I just found it cute

Six pages written for my webcomic... just gotta draw them ^_~

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