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Monday, October 11, 2004

I just realized the brand name of a paire of shoes I own is "DZZZZAAKKKKK!!" or something to that effect. I love my shoes~ they be my second tallest pair (at 6 inches tall XD my tellest is 6 1/2 ^^;;;;)

working on new art to post... will hopefully have new stuff this week sometime~

in other news, I ran into the wall yesterday and have quite the shiner O_o; wtf? at least there's also a scratch under my eye that is vaguely like the little scars Reno has ^^; I'm such a nerd *shot dead*

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Thursday, October 7, 2004

New pic... sketch...

will post more if I can get my anthropology homework done T_T

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Tuesday, October 5, 2004

   New BG and icon
yeah, I go through icons fast ^^;;

New icon and background and such for the upcoming holiday ^_^ Yeah for Resident Evil~ *heart*

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Monday, October 4, 2004

Still sick T_T

new pic~ only one for now (if I procrastinate on my homework, maybe more XD;)

yeah... so I've gone back to my old series of pics (there were 4 or 5 in the series when I stopped)... the pics are based on the Tortured Souls series of figures (some more loosely based than others ^^;)... at least in the beginning they were... I'm not sure what they are now O_o so..

*coughs* anyway~ so there's a new pic XD; which is technically chara design for a color pic I plan on doing later.

did post some random wallpapers though...

And D hates me T_T Damn you and your fuufuu hat and jewelry, D.

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Wednesday, September 29, 2004

This is GTK, up since 3 in the morning with a cough.

Someone kill me please T_T

on top of all that, my computer is all screwy. I can't use word ~_~ which means I can't do my homework *cries* and for some reason I can't edit anything on my oekaki board... I also apparently can't add a pic, because I tried to do a test one and nothing goes through ~_~ ARGH!!

Good news is, I have seen the new Advent Children trailer. Reno's cool, even when he's getting his ass kicked T_T I love you, Reno~ (too bad he was in it for all of 5 seconds)

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Tuesday, September 28, 2004

so~ I was going through files on my computer and found a few old things I'd never posted ^^; must have forgotten about them... *rolls*

mostly random stuff.

I do hate (hate, hate, hate, yargh!) the chaos legion pic though... ~_~ which is sad, because it took me like 2 days to color. Granted, the colors are nice, just... I apparently couldn't draw that day O_O

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Monday, September 27, 2004

   The Flu? Already? T_T
only one new pic because I'm sick T_T

That guy with no arms again.. because I love him. And, in art history, we're doing greek and roman art and a lot of the statues are missing limbs so I was inspired XD;

The pic turned out only sort of okay, I think T_T but his pouty face is rather adorable *heart* his head might be too big though ~_~ and his hips turned out kinda girly... but he needed to be drawn, so there you have it.

The title of the image, btw ("I sell Society") is totally unrelated... it was the song stuck in my head at the time ^^; it's by Godhead.


okay, I lied about only one pic. I found one while looking for homework *dies*

So I've also posted a pic of Luki and Noki from Dogs ^_^ I love them~ they're so cute XD

I'm really happy though, despite being sick. I emailed my anthropology prof and told him I wasn't feeling well and asked if I could email my assignment to him and he said it was okay T_T because I emailed him in advance about it. So nice of him~ and he said he hoped I got better and such. It was really nice of him to be so understanding. I take back what I said about him being a nazi XD *shot dead*

...I like nazis though T_T they may have been evil, evil, people, but they were super stylish *loves* those uniforms were/are hot =^-^=

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Tuesday, September 21, 2004

my first art history quiz is today... wish me luck ^^; I'm so scared I'm gonna bomb it *laughs*

hopefully will have new arts up today... and maybe a preview manga page or two ^^ *dances*

now... I must go back to cutting flashcards so I can study T_T

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Monday, September 20, 2004

new pic of Morpheus, because he needs more love... being the angsty, rather strange man that he is. Unfinished pic. When I get it done, hopefully the rest of the endless will be in it as well. I must say though... I love how boney his hand looks *heart*

in other news, I hate my anthropology class T_T

randomly... the song suicidal dream is stuck in my head. I liked Silver Chair... it's too bad what's happening to the singer T_T because he's very pretty... *cries*

and~ I've changed my icon... -again- ...because.... you know, Reno said so *dies*

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Thursday, September 16, 2004

   raving fangirl?
I'm such a nerd. So I go into work today (my boyfriend was working, I was just along with because he was taking me to school) and a new shipment of games comes in. So, what's in the shipment? Gungrave overdose, oh yeah~ *dances* So I bought it, of course XD

I like Grave T_T his hair looks reddish in the screen shots. If he was red hair now, that makes him ten times cooler than he already was *heart*

Too bad I have to wait till like 9 tonight to play T_T I have classes till then *cries*

Trying something new with the mood icons *points* It's too tedious to draw 15x15 ones T_T So I'm borrowing images from various sources ^^; and trying to see how those work before drawing my own *nods*

two new pics. One of Envy from FullMetal Alchemist, one of Naoto from Dogs (because she's so cool~)

Which Saiyuki Boy are you?

Which Saiyuki boy are you?

Take the Saiyuki Quiz at Scarred

I knew there was a reason I cosplay as him... *dies* but Hakkai is my fave *loves*

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