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Wednesday, September 15, 2004

okay, so I'm getting asked the "How did you become such a good artist?" question.

First off, I'm not that great ^^; There are tons of people on this site better than I am. Second, pratice *dies* someone who left me a comment said something like "I hate to practice because I can't come up with anything good" or something simular (I can't remember where it was T_T or I'd look for it)... well, that's the point ^^; if you practice, you'll get better.

In all honesty, I --hate-- people who copy the work of others... like people who just straight up copy pics out of manga in such. But, this is sort of ironic because I started out that way myself ^^; So, if you can copy --well-- more power to you ^_~ I used to copy Satoshi Shiki's style *rolls* and then tried to make my own style based off of his... but was too lazy in the end and ended up with my current style (which is a shame ^^; because my pics that then, while not as good, were hella detailed and that was really cool.)

I hope that helped the people who asked me that question ^^;; *dies*

I would also like to thank purgatory and rain shower for giving me suggestions on my Sydney costume ^^ I've decided to do something along the lines of what you guys suggested... so thankyou~ *throws candy in your general direction*

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Tuesday, September 14, 2004

sorry I'm only posting sketches T_T but that's all I've had time for lately (the sad thing is, all the sketches were done in classes when I should be paying attention ^^;)

first sketch is of Sydney, from Vagrant Story. I draw him a lot because it is my goal to cosplay as him (how, you ask, when he is a man with no shirt and I am a girl? ^^; well, I'm still working on that part *dies*) I hope to be able to cosplay as him after I do Edward from FullMetal Alchemist... then I will have practive making limbs XD; *flails*

all other sketches are of the main character from a manga a friend and I recently started. The idea sounded really cool to me, so I volunteered to draw it for him ^_^

I also threw up a collab pic I did with Jyun. It's of Dante from Devil May Cry dressed as Seig from Chaos Legion. I posted both the lineart and the final colored version... because J made the pic ten times cooler with the color XD and so people could see what I originally did (the lineart).

argh, but I am sad cause like only one out of every 3 wallpapers I submit actually gets posted T_T

But, omigawd, I'm currently in the top ten? *flails* Thank you so much, guys ^_^ *much love* Not sure how that managed to happen ^^; but I'm really very flattered~ *laughs*

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Thursday, September 9, 2004

alright, so I changed the layout and such... just cause I was sick of getting all these "Argh! Your site is bland!" comments.

BG is taken from a doujinshi I own (and scanned myself) called Tragic Kingdom, which is about Cloud and Zack and is very sad and made me cry T_T *sniffles*

New icon to go with new BG as well (cause, as much as I loved the old one, it didn't match the BG and that drove me nuts ^^;). So, there's a Zack icon (from Advent Children this time) to go with everything. Lyrics on it, btw, are by Disturbed (song is Devour).

I was really tempted to use a Reno icon T_T which I've already made *dies*, but will save for later ^^;

...but I still have FMA mood icons cause I'm too lazy to make any others ^^;

And two new pics, both sketches. Sorry T_T

One is of InuYasha... which was randomly done on newsprint when I was in class cause someone drew him all over the walls (there are like...4 pics on the wall?). So a a friend and I were talking about them and she was like "I bet you could do better" and so went and drew him to see if I could.

2nd pic is of Rubi (mascot of my website) in military uniform. It's an unfinished sketch I'm still working on (the original has another guy in it, but he was cut out of the one I posted).

The end.

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Tuesday, August 31, 2004

I deleted the Naruto art ^^; I went and posted in on Deviantart, since my own website was acting up and I couldn't post it their to send to my friend (so I put it on DA, since she was an account there)

^^; no sense in having it in both places~

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Saturday, August 28, 2004

New arts~
One Naruto (oekaki)... which is kinda funny, since I know like zip about Naruto... it's a gift for a friend, who I loves muchly and such.

other pic is some random sketches of Lt. Fukai from Yukikaze. Sort of like a study, since I'm gonna do a nice pic of him later.

The end XD

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Friday, August 27, 2004

back ^_^
Back from Japan~ *dances* and posted new artses.

There's the pic Purgatory requested of Arucard. I'm sorry it's not so great T_T I could've done better... but most of it was done at the airport *dies*

then there's a random girl with horns and a gasmask... I love masks~ *flails* I like how her face/hand turned out, but the rest is blah. Her hips are way off O_O prolly cause when I started the pic, it was a boy ^^;

and some random guy with lots of medication (done on the plane, whee)I like him ^_^ though the scan is dark and you can't really see the tube from above/behind him is going into his eye ~_~ fuu.

I'll post more pics later ^_^ I gotta wait since there's no category for them and I emailed otaku to add them *rolls*

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Wednesday, August 11, 2004

   bai bai~
I'm going to the Philippines and to Japan ^_^ I won't be back till the 24th, so no posting of art or anything till after that.

Sorry to Purgatory that I couldn't finish Alucard before then T_T but I'm bringing the pic with me, so it should be done when I return ^_^

and here's a (tiny) preview of the pic for kuroneko.


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Thursday, August 5, 2004

I know I said I normally do requested art in the order I get them, but ever since Purgatory asked if I'd draw Alucard, I've had like this major urge to draw him *dies*

So he's currently about 50% done ^^; I'm doing to ink him now *dies*

I can't draw his blobby, dog, eyeball stuff to save my life though *cries* and I kept wanting to throw young Walter into the pic, but I managed to not do that *laughs* But now I wanna draw Walter T_T He's so pretty~

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Thursday, July 29, 2004

My watch came today~ *rolls*

I'm a state alchemist now ^_~

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Monday, July 26, 2004


So my college is going through some changes on their site and now I'm all confused... for the life of me, I can't figure out how to check my classes T_T I can't figure out what I'm taking now! *dies*

I did find out I made Dean's list though... which is kinda cool, but still doesn't help me figure out where I need to be going this semester ^^;;


Whee~ So I finally figured out what classes I'm taking and at what time and such... I'm a little confused by my schedule... because it looks like I'm only signed up for 3 classes when I could've sworn I signed up for 4...

Though, on a random note, I might get my watch this week >XD *dies*

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