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Thursday, July 22, 2004

Added new art... two Plague Doc pics and one of Morpheus (sandman), both done with ink pen.

The Morpheus pic was done randomly while I was waiting for an auction on Ebay to end (the FullMetal Alchemist watch XD I'll post pics of the watch, for those who asked, when it comes in the mail. Though it may be a while since it is coming from Hong Kong T_T).

The two Plague Doc pics were done while I was waiting to see Harry Potter at the Imax *dances* It's so cool to see that movie on such a huge screen~ *squees*

Also moving some art around... Some older Saiyuki art that was posted under original before there was a Saiyuki category...

Haven't done it yet, but my Riot fanart will get moved as well since there is now that category ^^

Much thanks to everyone who left me lovely comments and such on the art before the move T_T since I will now loose them all *cries*

But i must move them... cause it's listed now, and that makes me happy.


Does next to no one read this? Stop yelling at me for reposting art ~_~ I know I've reposted it cause I'm moving it to the proper category. *flails*

and the guys in all the Plague Doc pics are wearing MASKS. ~_~; Perhaps I should do a color pic of them so it's obvious?

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Monday, July 19, 2004

   New icon/pic
I loved my Reno icon lots T_T so it's surprising that it was only up for such a short amount of time *sniffles*

But I've got a new icon... it was originally part of a big pic I did of Kougaiji (Saiyuki), but after I'd done the face and some of his hair I wanted to color it right then O_O so I cropped off the rest of the pic, colored what I had, and made an icon XD *dies*

I can never draw Kou-sama properly T_T

But I loves the colors~ *dances*

Also oekaki. People keep asking me what oekaki means so, here goes on explanation~

In an attempt to make things easy, an Oekaki board is like a message board or forum, only with pictures. Sometimes you have to register, sometimes you don't (example - the board at Meriko.net is open to anyone as long as they work within the board rules, while my board you have to register for). There are a couple different versions, but it runs off an applet and is a little simular to drawing in paint or something like that. Only with cooler tools and the ability to use layers (like in photoshop or some such).

I hope that helped T_T *dies*

On a side note, if I do not win the FullMetal Alchemist pocket watch that is currently on Ebay, I will raise holy hell and not be a happy fangirl. (Dear God T_T This means I'm going to spend like over $200 on a watch...)


The watch is mine >XD OWN3D! *cackles*

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Saturday, July 17, 2004

New oekaki
Still trying to work the bugs out of my tablet. I'd say it pretty much works now, yah XD

So~ new pic is of Ed. I spent forever on it *dies* and it turned out lovely~ There are a few tiny mistakes (mostly his hand, I think)and some of the lines are messy, but other than that~

and he's nekkid... because I like boys without clothes *snirks* Actually, I have no idea why he doens't have clothes O_o;;

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Thursday, July 15, 2004

new art-ses~
New pics are up~ may add more later today, but I'm not sure.

Both of them are rather old, done this time last year when I went to Japan. I'm going back again this year ^_^ so scanned the pics, hoping that I can redo them on my trip and have like... updated versions or something *laughs*

anyway, first pic is Sandman fanart. Because I'm in love with Morpheus/Dream. He'd prolly smite me, but I love him anyway. So the pic is of Delerium, Dream/Morpheus, and Matthew (the bird). All done with a ballpoint pen (which died to bring you that pic, and another of Dream that I'm not posting cause his neck was a tad too long in it and it drives me nuts). Note-- Dream's eyes are black, all of them, so no pupil. He should be that way. And if anyone has actually read Sandman, you might know that Delerium was --never-- drawn the way I have drawn her (to my knowledge). Which is just fine, because she's always changing and hardly ever looks the same to begin with. So I thought I'd be artsy and draw her a bit differently ^_^ And she'd prolly make butterflies or mushrooms or bubbles or flying frogs instead of bats, but I like bats... and maybe she made them for Dream, because he's such a angsty person. ^^;

Moving on *coughs*

2nd pic XD Of Ritchie, from Riot...again! Haahaa~ Sick of him yet? This time the pic was not edited in photoshop like most of my others... it really started out that purple color, since I did it with color pencil. The pic is simular to a scene in the manga (Riot) where he tells Billy he's "not worth killing now" because *spoiler* so he's all *spoiler, spoiler* XD and it's sad T_T And Ritchie is mean to Billy, but makes up for it later by saying that he knows a way to *spoiler, spoiler* XD;;

yeah, that made no sense, but I like it that way. Don't want to spoil the story for anyone, do we? ^_~

on a random note. Said Billy mentioned above is in a pic somewhere in my gallery, so you can go see who I'm talking about if you want.

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Deleted Art
so~ The pic I did of those twins was deleted. I only posted it here cause Deviantart was being wonky and when I tried to post it there I didn't think it went through... but I just found out it did, so I'm leaving it up over there and deleting it here~

I usually don't post sketches on both accounts ^^; most of them get posted here, and my deviant art account gets more of the finished stuff or the sketches I really like. Though, with the twins pic, I wanted to post it on DA due to content... which is why the sketch is staying there, instead of here.

Though I do want to thank everyone who left me comments on the pic here though ^_^ It means a lot to me~ *heart*

Anyway... so the pic is currently under scraps in my Deviantart account.


link XD

There's stuff over there that doesn't fit here too... like photos of my beloved Sylvie (my super cute SD girl~ I love her~)and stuff like that.

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Tuesday, July 13, 2004

so I drew Reno *dies* and the new pic ish posted. I tried a different style of coloring... very sketchy ^_^ I kind of like it, but prolly won't do it often.

But my tablet is all wonky T_T I did the pic of Reno while trying to fix it (the control is a bit off). Fuu! So it works a little better, but not much...

Kuroneko sama, I'm CGing your pic XD Forgive me for being lazy~ I haven't done a CG in forever T_T

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Monday, July 12, 2004

Suikoden XD
So I'm finally playing Suikoden 3... and I just got Landis *heart* and he's so freaking cool... though he did scare me O_o since he just kinda randomly appeared in my party during a battle... but it was a mini-boss battle, so that was cool >XD (and he's level 42, which is even better since right now everyone else is like 37)

But I've always liked the winger characters in Suikoden... and Landis is like almost exactlly like Sid *squees* so that's super cool =^-^= so I wanna do Suikoden fanart now T_T

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Sunday, July 11, 2004

more icons

game icons...

note that -most- of them are 100x100 since I made them for live journal... I've got a few that are 125x125 that I'll post later.

and I changed my icon again >XD *dies*

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Wednesday, July 7, 2004

further proof I am an icon whore
okay...here's the deal... I can post a link to a site with all the icons I make on them --if-- anyone wants to see them... If no one wants to see the icons, I will keep them to myself.

I've got like... a page started with just anime icons right now (though I have a ton of icons releated to video games, music/jrock, movies, and other such things), so it's not like I'm doing any extra work... I can just through a link over here and spiffy up the site some.

If you want to use my icons, all you do is save them and upload... Credit is nice, but not needed... However, I don't want people claiming they made the icon themselves.

Here's a preview


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pixel lines
okay.. I've noticed some of the comments on my pics have been like "the lines suck, wtf?" (the pic of Malik in particular)... erhm.... all these pics were done on an oekaki board... dont you people know what that is? Of course the lines are going to look like that. That's just the way the program is... it's borderline pixel art. A lot of the pics in my gallery were done this way (you can tell cause the lines in most of them...but you can do smooth lines in oekaki too... it just takes more effort, and I'm lazy. The only oekaki pics in my gallery that have "smooth" lines are the ones titled Mafia Boys, Voiceless Screaming and Soul Sick. The rest are more pixeled... like the new one I posted of Ritchie)

The whole point of this rant is that it's been pointed out enough times to irritate me... when you draw using oekaki and don't want to spend up to eight hours sitting at your comp working on it, the lines are going to look that way. (also keep in mind that some of the pics were drawn using --my mouse-- since my tablet hates me.)

Please don't point out the lines anymore... thanks guys ^^;;;

on a side note *coughs* I make more icons than I know what to do with and have been using my current icon for prolly less than month and already want a new one. There should be a therapy group for people like me...

"Hi... I can't stop making icons T_T I'm an icon whore."

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