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Tuesday, July 6, 2004

New pic~
Whee~ posted new oekaki. It's of Ritchie from RIOT (oh~ how I love Satoshi Shiki).... There are like... two other pics of him in my gallery ^^;; *dies*

I'm fairly happy with the new pic... except I seem to have forgotten my light source about half way through *dies* and kinda winged it and so the highlighted bits are a tad off *hides*

But I'm gonna marry Ritchie, so I shall draw him a lot *dances*

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Friday, July 2, 2004

New pic -- Radio Edit - redux
Since a few people have asked to see the unedited version of my new pic (not just people here, but a few friends outside this site), I have uploaded it to my normal site and can send the pic to those of you who want to see it... Just remember, the original is yaoi, so if you flip out after I send it to you, I will do a lot of laughing at you >XD

anyway, so if you want it, leave me a message here ^_^

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Thursday, July 1, 2004

New art~

The character is from my manga (I've been doing a lot of art related to it). Though the actual pic is unrelated in subject matter since it's smutty ^^; the original anyway... I edited it for my otaku postage so it's not smut. I think the edit job made it really weird, but~ whatever *laughs*

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Sunday, June 27, 2004

New Art
Sorry I'm only posting sketches ^^; been super busy, but I promise I'll post some nice art and some requested stuff later ^^

anyway... new art info... Most of it is work in progress stuff. The one of the two guys is actually Riot fanart *much love*...the Dante pic is for a card I'm sending to a friend... the third sketch is -really- old, but I hadn't scanned it yet.

Not much else... sorry it's taking me so long on the requests though ^^;;;

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Wednesday, June 23, 2004

New art
Last of the stuff that was commissioned was posted today. The girl in the new pic is the same girl in the rest pic (she is -not- Kagome).

The scanner killed the pic T_T but it was done with ink and screentone (oh, how I love screen tone~ but it's so expensive *cries*) Was my first time doing Inu-Yasha fanart ^^;

also posted some random art... two are rather meaningless doodles (and so they don't have the "leave feedback so I can improve" comment)... one is a colored pic, which is from last Christmas, but I think turned out sorta okay...

anyway, let me know what you guys think ^^

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Friday, June 18, 2004

new pic
only one new pic this update ^^; I'm busy~ *dies*
anyway... new pic info... the character is Shamshell, and he is from a manga I am working on with my bro (he's writting, I'm drawing). I think he's one of the main characters ^^; but since I'm only drawing everything, I'm not 100% sure *laughs*

I've been doing a lot of art for the manga resently... so I'll prolly post more some time soon =^-^=

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Monday, June 7, 2004

alright guys, I don't care if you don't like my art, but if you leave me a comment like "ew, ew, ew" please explain why it is so.

Because of this, I will no longer be leaving a description of my art, but rather a message that says "If you vote "no" on my art, please explain why. Kay, thanks."

Voting no is all fine and dandy, but it's not helping me any if you don't tell me why.

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Saturday, June 5, 2004

Still want an updates page
six new pics XD

Lots of people are asking about the Yu-Gi-Oh pic though... The guy is Mako (crazy fish guy). I honestly don't know a lot about him cause, like it says, I was asked to do the pic (and payed well for it). I just drew what they wanted ^^; I actually don't really watch Yu-Gi-Oh...

also...someone left an amusing comment on my Bridget pic...
"It's too bad Bridget is a guy"

I about died XD *dies* I love you, Bridget~ Hurrah for the girly boy *dances*

Though I still think whoever designed Bridget's shoes is the devil... they were a pain to make... a pain to wear... and it was even worse to go down stairs in them *dies*

But speaking of Bridget cosplay... There was a mini Guilty Gear vs Trigun photo shoot... it was pretty funny... I bonked Wolfwood with a teddy bear XD *cackles*

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Thursday, May 13, 2004

I want an updates page T_T

anyway... added several older sketches yesterday *dances* All of them but one were posted (which I kinda figured would happen ~_~)

Here's the one not posted


I can't decide if it was cause he doesn't have arms or he has nipple rings... There is a pic of this guy in my gallery, but that pic has a big ugly black bar across the missing limbs and nipple rings. It's also the lowest ranking pic in my gallery... last I checked *laughs* Which amuses me greatly.

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Monday, May 10, 2004

comment whore
I love comments and all... but, please guys... no more of "it's so cute" or "I love *name of series or character here*"... It's nice that you think it's cute or you like the chara/series, but that doesn't help me any.

Anyway~ *coughs* I'm alive again.

Kuronekosama-- I shall do your piccy when I come back from Acen ^_^ (which is in like 4 days T_T I'm dying... my costume isn't done or anything *flails*)

HappyHandicap-- I shall post your art on my Galerians site as soon as I get the time ^_^ and danke again for letting me~ *huggles* and, just cause you mentioned it, I shall draw Steve from RE-Code Veronica (fyi- Forest is from the first game and was also in the intro to Resident Evil 0 for like two seconds).

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