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Friday, February 9, 2007

On a random note...
So bro and I finally decided what to do for cosplay at Acen this year! We are doing Fate/Stay Night. He suggested it... I didn't know anything about it other than it was an h-game originally and there's an anime based on it. Since I agreed to it, I spent yesterday watching the anime. Gotta say, surprised at how much I like it O_o

We'll be going as Caster and Assassin (who have only just shown up in the anime XD Caster is scary, kyaaa!)

One new (original) image added today~

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Saturday, February 3, 2007

There is Galerians fanart on myO by people other than myself! Happy day XD

....I feel like doing a ton of Galerians fanart now *dies*

Also, I am seriously abusing that fave option XD;; I wonder if there's a max number of things we can fave?

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Monday, January 29, 2007

New art... most of it is stuff done for classes, plus one random image I did while taking a break XDDD

One oekaki (some guy with fun hair), and more finished versions of some older images I posted (the shark image and the image of the guy with all the black swirly stuff)


We can fave stuff now? O_O Hahahahhaa... I've known for like ten minutes and already ran off and faved like 4 things XDDDD

EDIT 2--
Am I the only one mildly confused by the fact that a good chunk of the images under the yaoi tag aren't yaoi? O_o But are generally pic of guys hugging or near each other or are just guys by themselves? WTF?
I mean... guys holding kittens, guys in really gay/slutty clothing, and guys doing nothing but looking snarky are not yaoi. WTF. And I went through like all the images under the tag and only one image was fap worthy ~_~; MyO, you disappoint me.

On that note...I'm probably the only one who thinks yaoi shouldn't be posted on MyO to begin with ^^; (hahahhahaha, which is why you don't see any of the stuff that I've drawn XD; Craziness)

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Thursday, January 25, 2007

One new pic, original. May post more later, since I'm scanning stuff for my own use ^_^;

So I'm totally working on a comic ^^;; I've been working on it for a while actually *dies* as some of the characters are in older pics in my gallery *laughs*

The goal is to get character design completed in the next couple of months and get a good start on it shortly after.

Guy in the pic I posted is one of the characters XD Sadly, he isn't in it much ^^;

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Tuesday, January 23, 2007

sketchy blah
Two new sketches...Both very unfinished. One original (OMG I drew a girl!) and fanart (Yuber from Suikoden 1-3, cause I'd hit that).

Sorry, I suck T_T

Still owe people arts DX *dies*


I lied. I found some art that I'd forgotten about and decided to post it. So there's also an original sketch and some fanart (Kingdom Hearts, Guilty Gear). Again, generally unfinished ^^;

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Wednesday, January 10, 2007

One new art! Just finished XD;;

It's original art, a sketch for a possible idea for a class project.

Back to homework~

Still sick T_T

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Tuesday, January 9, 2007

Added cosplay photos from Ohayocon~ I was sick T_T so the photos are only sort of okay ~_~;;; But I had fun!

*off to do homework*

I still owe people art DX

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Thursday, January 4, 2007

Why am I always sick? DX *weeps*
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Wednesday, December 6, 2006


Blah, busy with school and projects and blah blah blah. Totally owe lots of people here art T_T Sorry guys! I'm still working on it, really~ *dies*

Anyway, some new art, most of it for projects of class T_T

And, randomly.....

So who is totally excited about the new art contest going on here, huh? I think it's pretty freakin' cool~ I'm really gonna try to enter and do something really nice for it. I think it's a great cause. I'm actually hoping that in the event I can crank something out for it I'll place low. I gave it some thought and I totally don't think I'm good enough to place first or second and I already have a Wii. But then I was like, "Hey, wait a sec, if this is for charity and if I end up getting something I have already, I should totally donate it to some place."

So I was looking online at different places that might be local and found Child's Play and it turns out the Hospital near campus is part of it. I checked their Amazon wish list, and they don't have anything super next gen listed ^^;;;;;; But I think it would be pretty cool anyway.

So~ People should totally enter the contest! Not because those are some pretty kick ass prizes, but because it's totally for a great cause (which is part of the reason I don't want to keep the prize in the event I manage to enter/place)

It probably helps that my mom is a nurse though ^^; and I hear about this sort of thing all the time *dies*

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Saturday, October 28, 2006

New art posted yesterday XD;; Very busy, so I couldn't actually make a post to state that I'd added new stuff..oops ^^;

Swamped with school work T_T it sucks. Also working on a secret project XD or maybe not... just not sure I can say anything about it ^^; and that's eating most of my time too *shot* But I'll probably post art from it soonish ^_^ Just so I can post something and show everyone I'm not dead XD

Note to Ebony and Kuroneko --- I still owe you guys art DX Sorry! I'm working on it ^^; I swear...

Also... I get to make a mask for a project in class XD fun~ Except I get like a ton of sketches down and realize most of them look more like weird helmets/masks rather than masks (in the fact that none of them really have eye holes O_o and cover most everything except the mouth/chin)... They look fun though T_T I wonder if my proff will let me do one of those ideas instead? The only other decent idea other than GIANT HELMETS OF DOOM is this mask that would actually be worn in the back of the head (and incorperated into a wig...cause I can't figure out how you'd wear it otherwise... plus it's part of the idea that way), and while cool, will cost me way too much O_o (because I refuse to buy cheap wigs, hur, hur, hur)

My sketches of a lot of these masks sort of suck though T_T one of them is supposed to be like this... animal carcass and it looks more like a oddly shaped duck ~_~ Booo. But this is probably because I'm biased and like bird-like masks (I want to make a plague mask so bad, but figure this will be too obvious of me... but, omigawd, how cool would cosplay of my plague doc drawings be? XDDDDDD *tempted* )

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