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Under the Bridge Downtown
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rabid fangirl?
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secret XD
Anime Fan Since
erhm... a long time? ^^;
Favorite Anime
kiba, Texhnolyze, Zombie Loan, Devil May Cry, Ergo Proxy, Black Lagoon
Drawing, collecting doujinshi, Asian ball jointed dolls, reading
Being obnoxious
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Saturday, July 22, 2006
Meant to Live
Added color version of that Ed pic. Would have added it last night, but I decided I didn't like the pic after I finished it ^^: but liked the colors... so I was trying to decide if it was worth posting *laughs*
Copic markers are all kinds of awesome *heart, heart*
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Friday, July 21, 2006
You know that FMA fanart I promised was coming? Sketch done XD hopefully it will turn out nice... Gonna do it with copic markers (ARGH! They cost so much! *dead*)
Not sure how I like the pic though... I meant to draw Ed without his arm, but with his red coat on... and you sort of can't tell the arm is missing ^^: it just looks like I've made a mistake *dies*
oh well. In the middle of scanning the sketch to post, in case I screw up the colors ^^;; so it should be posted later today.
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Thursday, July 20, 2006
Am I the only one noticing a delay in posting pics? O_o none of my pics seems to make the fanart main pages anymore, unless there's like this HUGE delay or some such. Weird.
Anyway, new pic... Air Gear fanart.
Also added to Davy Jones.

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Wednesday, July 19, 2006
Did you know shinigami like apples?
Added a new WIP image of Raito dressed as Ryuuk. Almost done XD;
The image is so huge O_O when shrunk down, a lot of detail is lost... it's depressing T_T it also makes it hard to work on because it's so large that my computer often freezes up ^^;;;;;
said added image doesn't seem to be showing up under the newly uploaded images or in my portfolio O_o but I added it, I swear ^^; maybe it will show up later?
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Tuesday, July 18, 2006
Red Fraction
So my brother got me hooked on Black Lagoon O_O
Levi is all kinds of hot XD I'm gonna attempt to draw her, but I dunno how it'll turn out T_T I like crazy chicks *heart, heart*
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Sunday, July 16, 2006
New art XD
Pic was drawn by me and colored by a friend ^_^ We hung out and played with copic markers XD We did several other pics together as well, but we traded XD and all the others I have are by her *laughs* it was all kinds of fun~
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Saturday, July 15, 2006
watching the FMA movie.. I forgot how much I liked FMA *dies* The fandom just exploded, I sort of ignored it for a while ^^;;;
Nazi Hughes is hotter than it should be. Really.
Expect fanart soonish XD;;;;; I wanna pratice with copic markers~
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Monday, July 10, 2006
Because I said I would
Currently working on this... not sure I like it ~_~
It's oekaki, so it will update as I add to it... I'm mostly posting this to force myself into finishing it XD;;;;

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Added a handfull of new art (two original, one fanart... from that game over on the OBoards again XD;;; )
Will try to add more later ^^
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Sunday, July 9, 2006
Mostly moved into the new house now. I have internet again, yah XDDDDDD
POTC Dead Man's Chest was made of awesome. I am now completely obsessed with Davy Jones. Expect a pic of him later (though I can't say how good or bad it will be ^^; I just really wanna try drawing him). I heart Davy Jones so much~
*heart, heart, heart*
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