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Wednesday, November 30, 2005

I live! *victory dance*

First off, I must thank someone on this site~! I don't know who, but I figured it had to be someone here. Some other site (minitokyo? Can't remember) contacted me a while back because someone had posted a couple of my wallpapers and claimed that they'd done them. I figured someone must've told the mods there or somesuch. Anyway, thanks to who ever was watching out for me! *loves*

Busy with school and such T_T sorry I haven't been able to post much artwork or anything!

But I managed to post one today ^_^ It's not so good T_T (haha, I'm so negative). A sketch that I slapped some color on. I promise I'll post some nicer stuff soon~ I've done a lot of things for class (I just gotta dig them out of my portfolio *dies*).


Not sure if anyone has noticed ^^; but check out Art of Otaku! It needs love~

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Tuesday, October 11, 2005

^^; *insert shameless plug*
Added a zombie tshirt, squee!

Cause everyone loves zombies, right?

Check it out

This image is part of a series (in which a mouse bites a guy, guy turns into zombie and attacks his neighbor, and zombie then goes off into the sunset with said mouse).

Might add the rest of the series later ^^

It looks so plain T_T needs text.

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Monday, October 3, 2005


Jyun made top ten XD Go give him some lurve~ *flails*

Still working on tshirts and such ^^;

But you can buy buttons now, if you'd like. (Through cafepress.... since LOTS of people seem to prefer black shirts, I may look into doing that myself instead of through cafepress.... I might also do hoodies, since I think if I did them instead it -might- be cheaper on you guys).

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Wednesday, September 28, 2005

   more info on buying stuffs~
Alright...working on designs for tshirts... but I need more info!

-- What color would you guys prefer?
CafePress only does white... if enough people are interested in darker colors (I've had a few people express interest in black and navy) I can look into doing that myself. But -only- if enough people are interested (cause, you know, it'll cost a bit more).

--I'm looking into tshirts, hoodies, stickers, and buttons/pins right now (since that was pretty much what was most requested). Anything else?
CafePress can do random stuff like notebooks, post cards, and mouse pads O_o;

-- What sort of IMAGES do you want on stuff?
currently, I'm gonna do random images (or requested ones, since if I get enough of the same request).

I may do images for stuff for people sort of like I do commission art(like say, you want a tshirt with an original character or specific fanart on a tshirt or something) for a bit of extra monies, but only if people are interested.
(unless you are a friend of mine *heart* in which case, I will prolly do it for less than normal because I feel like I'm mooching off my friends otherwise.)

---Also, randomly... cause I sorta do need cash...

Anyone interested in cheap commission art?(I've been thinking about doing request oekaki art for like $1-5)...which would be big-ish.... (like 400x400 or 500x500)... or small-ish images (like half sheets of paper). These would be full color (unless, you know, you don't want color). Cause I totally don't have time to do stuff for FREE anymore ~_~ (I might still do it occasionally, but I've got like ths HUGE list of stuff people want me to draw and like no time)

I can also sell prints (of pretty much any art I've done), but I haven't decided on prices yet on those.

And that's the end of my shameless attempt to sell stuff.

Keep in mind, with the tshirts and such I will try to keep them as cheap as possible since I'm only looking into this since people were interested. But, you know, you gotta stay interested ^^;

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Sunday, September 25, 2005

Finally added some new art! Squeee!
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Friday, September 23, 2005

alright.... at the hospital...again... forgot to bring art with me... AGAIN.

Sorry guys T_T


anyway, due to popular demand, I am looking into opening a cafe press account so people can buy tshirts with art and stuff by me on it.

So... I really, really, need you guys to give me some feedback.

Do you guys just want tshirts? Or would you be interested in stickers, buttons, posters, and so on?

I will probably start doing prints soons as well, but those won't be through cafe press.

Tshirts will probably be around $10 (cause I know people are cheap... like myself XD; and I'm mostly doing this cause people were interested, not because omigawd I needs the $$$$)

I'm going to do a "test" run first though... so I'm getting some art ready (wheee, stuff done specifically for tshirts~) and I'm going to order one to see what the quality is like. If I think it's worth the money, I'll set up the account officially. If not, I'm going to look into going some place else (cafepress is just easier since all I really have to do is submit stuff... if I go someplace else, tshirts will prolly be more expensive as well.... but they would probably look nicer).

So...basically... I need to know if you guys think $10 a shirt is alright? And also, would you be interested in anything else? (I -might- also be able to do patches, which wouldn't be through cafe press either)

Also, if there's something you guys would want on a sticker/shirt/whatever, let me know ^_^

Thanks in advance XD (hhahaha, I bet no one read this T_T)

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Monday, September 19, 2005

So I forgot to bring all my art on disk with me *dies*

Note - I'm at the hospital often because my mom works here XD It's near campus, so I walk here after class and hang out till she's done (cause gas is way too expensive to drive the same route she does everyday T_T Damn you, gas prices! *shakes fist*)

Will try to post art on Wednesday ^^;

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Friday, September 16, 2005

because I felt like I should post art or something.
These are both oekaki, and so they are in png format so I can't upload them and don't currently have a program to change the file.

Heine, from DOGS.

I like DOGS. It, so far, makes like no sense though. But all the characters are hot, so I guess that's all the matters.

Horrible, ugly pic of Tom T_T

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I -still- can't get to the Myo site properly from home, so....

Still no new art T_T I will try to remember to throw some art on a disc or something and post it while I'm at the hospital (there again today XD; but the library closes at 5 *dies* and I don't get off classes till 3 and I don't get to the hospital till nearly 4! ARGH!)

So, yeah...

once again, most new art -complete- are gets posted on my site. I was posting all my sketches here ^^; so those sometimes don't make it to my website unless I really like them...

Anyway... so... er... yeah, still alive XD;

and, randomly...

Advent Children kicks so much ass!

I love Reno so, so much *heart*

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Monday, August 29, 2005

Hey XD

Go and check this out and give feedback guys ^_^

*hint, hint*


I feel like I've done something no one will like. Ack.


EEEEEEK! I just discovered I can view this site with no problems on the computer I'm on (which is in a hospital O_o;) So I'm gonna try and add new art!

I don't think I can view the site at home still though T_T wtf


Poop T_T I forgot images have to be certain sizes and jpg format. All my images are too big or the wrong file! CRY!

Well, I'll be back later ^^; so maybe I can go home, save the images to CD in the right size/file and upload them later...


I'm done after this, I promise XD

If you like westerns (hhaha, I'm sure it's obvious I do ^^;) go and check out this manga called No Man's Land. It's so great XD It's by a company called Seven Seas. The website listed in it is gomanga.com ^_^ Fun stuff, I promise. (and, I mean, the main character is this angsty pretty boy in tight pants. Squeee. Plus it's got demons and guns and stuff.)

I bought it cause I saw this cowboy looking guy on the cover and went "squee" and didn't really think about it. It turned out to be really good ^_^ The art is really nice.

Did I mention the main character was pretty?

Plus there's gore and boobs. Can't go wrong with that.

--end rant--

Totally randomly... I was gonna do a semi-western manga and lost interest after reading No Man's Land XD cause it's cooler than anything I could come up with *dies* too bad T_T I'm bad at drawing guns anyway.

Anyway, here's an update on manga/comic stuff I am doing (or was doing)

-- Comic I talked about that my bro was writting and I'm drawing (I thin it has a title, but bro hasn't finalized it yet)- STILL being written. This thing is huge ^^; I'm also still doing character and location design. I'll post stuff when I'm satisfied with it. There's a lot of art related to it in my gallery, but not all of it is marked as such.

--possible - something that ties into the above. I wanted to get a feel for the characters and environment, so thought about doing a sort of spin off of some such. This may or may not happen.

--Comic that involved creepy stuff (like that guy with no arms I keep drawing). This is probably canned. I couldn't really come up with a plot I was happy with and it was mostly an excuse to draw mangled pretty boys. I may change my mind, but if I start the one mentioned above I won't do this one (again, there's a lot of art related to this one in my gallery here).

--Not sure I mentioned it here, but I started one that was a comedy about this sort of "mad scientist" guy who's a college student (image of him in my gallery here is titled "coat rack"). Canned cause I couldn't come up with a decent story once again XD I do really like the characters though (and this is like the 5th time I attempted it and canned it cause I didn't like the story I came up with).

So...there you have it XD I promise you guys will see something eventually T_T Feedback on anything is loved (hahaha, though I sorta doubt I'll get any ^^;)

Like mentioned, I can view the site normally if I go to the lab in the hospital, but I'm not sure I can at home. So *gasp* I can view comments now! (and much love to you guys who actually leave me comments.)

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