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Tuesday, August 9, 2005

Still can't view anything on this site other than some backroom stuff and my page (I love everyone for leaving comments on my mindless ranting, but I -still- can't read those comments either T_T)

This is a notice~

Someone from MyO signed up for my oekaki board (over on redvoid.com) and I can't get the link to work. They name they signed up under was CanYouFeelTheLove. I sent them an email 4 or 5 days ago to let them know that I couldn't view their site (and thus had no idea who they were ^^;;;;; ) but haven't gotten a reply, so I thought I'd through up something here.

So...erm... if that is you, the link you sent doesn't work. Can you send me the link to your main MyO site? (the one that is something like myotaku/users/yournamehere ?)


Said person should PM me or send me an email XD; as I can't read comments left on this page currently O_o;

Thanks ^^;;

If anyone is looking for more art by me, since I can't update anything to this site, you can run over to my normal website (redvoid.com) cause I added a few things there.

So, you...

If anyone needs to contact me, PM me. I can usually get to that. You can also email me (which can be found on redvoid.com).

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Wednesday, August 3, 2005

Maybe it's just me? But I'm having all kinds of problems pulling up anything on this site O_o

Can't update fanart or anyting, can't read comments, can only actually pull up the site 1 out of every 10-15 times I try it. WTF?

So...er.... I'm not dead ^^; but I guess having technical difficulties?

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Tuesday, July 26, 2005

My computer or something hated me and I haven't been able to get on MyO till today.

I am surprised at the messages and such I received while I was gone though! I'm really flattered *^^* I don't have time to thank everyone individually, but I totally appreciate it!

[New Art]

Original art. More stuff for that project thingy.... Not much else T_T busy~

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Monday, July 11, 2005


Taking a break from stuff, so I made yet another Bleach wallpaper XD It's Renji this time~

However, uploading it to MyO killed it O_O so if anyone wants a better version, PM me and I can send it to you.

Also, the wallpaper was designed to be used without a toolbar ^^; Since I originally made it to use myself XD; and didn't think about what other people might be using ^^; Because of this, some text is cut off if you have the toolbar up. It's not a huge deal, but if anyone wants a version of this wallpaper with the text edited slightly so it can be used on a screen with a tool bar, let me know ^^; cause I've got that too.


Added another wallpaper... simular in style to the Renji one, only with more color XD; The red saved horribly on the Renji one T_T (red always does ~_~) so I used different colors for Rukia. It looks better ^^;

I really liked the Renji one though T_T too bad... (I'm using it now XD but it makes me sad T_T the version on this site looks like crap... you can hardly read the text ~_~; ).

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Sunday, July 10, 2005

I hate certain people who whine way more than a person should and have tantrums like children. ARGH.

of course, I am currently refusing to talk to said mentioned person ~_~; Because, for once, they need to act like a man and stop waiting for me to go "WTF" and demand an explanation.

I have a head ache.


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Friday, July 8, 2005

Mom bought be doujinshi~ *loves*

It wasn't the FMA Idea doujinshi I was eyeballing, but it was Final Fantasy Unlimited doujinshi... which is hard to find O_O (if you want the kind that doesn't involve boobs anyway XD) So... Squee, I love my mom.


New art~ Fox girl, done for that same project I did the cat boy thing for.

New wallpaper as well... Kira from Bleach, cause I'm fangirling over Bleach right now T_T

(speaking of which, someone talk me out of cosplaying as Anti-Ichigo! I need to cosplay as Fai (Tsubasa) and Tres (Trinity Blood), no one else! I can't afford to do any more costumes T_T let alone the ones I'm working on...hahahaha *dies*)

[Random art related]

TONS of people have suggested I do the whole Cafe Press thing, so I'm really looking into it. I'm a bit surprised so many people mentioned it to me O_o (haha, not just here, but other places as well). So~ I'll look into it XD;;;

If not, I -will- be selling prints eventually. This will most likely run between $5-10 for full color. I'm still looking into that.

Since... you know... I'd rather do that...instead of selling off all my figures and manga and cosplay things.

I also had no idea cafe press did buttons. I'm such a whore for buttons. *loves*


Still haven't mailed stuff out XD waiting to hear from one of the winners still O_o; Wanted to send out all the crap at the same time so I don't get confused and forget someone... wondering if the net hiccuped on me and ate a message. Hrrrm.

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Thursday, June 30, 2005

New art, original, for the same project I did the last one for.

Randomly, someone buy me all the Idea doujinshi on ebay and I'll be your slave forever T_T *dies* I needs it because it's so pretty and it's FMA RoyxEd smut! *dies*

Idea kicks my ass so hardcore T_T I hope to some day be that good at this art thing XD *shot dead*

I want their FMA doujinshi so bad T_T but it's out of print! ARGH! And it's on ebay RIGHT NOW! ~_~; Why must I have no money?

One of the books is $34... *flails* the rest are around $18, if I remember right...

But I can't afford it T_T I can't even afford rent..... (unless maybe I sell off my current collection of FMA doujinshi... then I might be able to get enough money to pay for the Idea doujinshi... hmm......)

It sucks to be me T_T


New fanart XD Oekaki, Galerians. Squee.

Had to do art for myself or I'd explode T_T back to working on projects and requests! *dies*

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Wednesday, June 22, 2005

New art, done for a project.

I have no free time T_T

Randomly, I needs money T_T and I may start throughing commission art on ebay (in other words, for a possibly low price, I'll draw whatever you want!)

auctions will prolly start at $15 for an image of the winners choice (full color, black and white, whatever... in the medium of the winners choice).

I did this before and it went alright ^_^ So I might do it again (cause, omigawd, I need money T_T I can't afford rent)

Is anyone interested? XD;

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Tuesday, June 14, 2005

New art XD *dies*

I go to work on requests now~

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Wednesday, June 8, 2005

Contest winners
I got 3 entries for the contest. Because I no longer have the time to keep extending it, the three people win XD; I'm emailing them all about where they placed and prizes and such.

Thanks guys ^_^

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