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Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Working on requests and such still T_T


I only have two entries for the contest. I need one more, or the contest may be cancelled ~_~; I may let the two people who entered go ahead and pick prizes, but it's really no fun if they just win by default, you know? ^^;;;;;;;;

Contest running till June 1st. Though if someone asks for it, I might extend it.

All you gotta do for it is do -something- based on a song (any song, but you gotta tell me what it is ^^;) Art, fiction (fan or otherwise), wallpapers, and so on. You can do icons too, but it has to be a -series- of icons on account that they are super tiny ^^; (as long as it's 3 or more)

Prizes include the Inu Yasha manga vol 1+2, Naruto capsule toy of Sasuke, Fullmetal Alchemist phone strap of Riza Hawkeye, and so on. (I'm getting tired of listing all them T_T either go through my journal archives or PM and ask what they are)
There will be three winners (if that many people even enter XD;) the first place winner will pick a prize they want first... 2nd goes next and picks from what is left, and same for third.

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Tuesday, May 24, 2005

A few people have asked me about what program I use to color images or how I color them...

With that said, how many of you would like me to do a tutorial on how to CG using Adobe Photoshop? I'm been thinking about doing a tutorial for a while... and now that I actually know how to use Adobe Photoshop properly... XD;;

So, yeah...if you wanna see a tutorial for CG (or anything else, for that matter...feel free to suggest something), let me know ^_^

-- Contest --

See last post T_T tired of copy/pasting

On a completely unrelated note, I will be 21 in two days. T_T I feel -old-

And I can't do YuGiOh fanart to save my life T_T *bangs head on desk* Argh. Third try, here we go XD;

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Monday, May 23, 2005

Finished the WIP pic of Dante. Unfinished one deleted, finished one uploaded.

Now I move on to the next art trade/request/etc. T_T

Also realized that I had friends on MyO that I never went and added to my friends list in the first place O_O So I went and added all those people as well XD;

Sorry if I upset anyone by doing this T_T I'm rather forgetful ^^;

Also went and deleted a few more people T_T it's just weird having so many people on my friend's list that I didn't even know XD;;

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Sunday, May 22, 2005

Art update... sort of
Not really posting new art or anything, but this sort of relates to it...

In the next month or so, I'm going to go through and delete some of my old art. Just cause there's a crapload of art posted ^^;; Some of the art can be found on my website as well, and I think that's a bit silly... I'll go through and delete the old ones that are also on my website, but leave the ones that are not on my website.

That way, my gallery here stays nice and updated and not crappy. Or something like that.


I also went and deleted a few people off my friends list cause, omigawd, it was too huge for me to keep track of.

If you were deleted, it was for one of the following reasons--

1. I had no idea who you were O_O
2. You hadn't updated your site since '04
3. You seem seem to no longer be on MyO (wow, empty site all of a sudden O_O)

haha, most common reason was I just had no idea who people were T_T

Sorry if I deleted you T_T

If you are on my friends list currently, it means I like you or your art XD *dies*

Randomly, if I deleted you and you know I randomly bother you all the time... let me know XD;; I'm horrible with names and mostly recognize people by icon ^^;


I've got two things submitted for the contest now ^__^ Thanks guys~ Need at least one more before June 1st for it to be officially a contest.

Contest running till June 1st.
All you gotta do for it is do -something- based on a song (any song, but you gotta tell me what it is ^^;) Art, fiction (fan or otherwise), wallpapers, and so on. You can do icons too, but it has to be a -series- of icons on account that they are super tiny ^^; (as long as it's 3 or more)

Prizes include the Inu Yasha manga vol 1+2, Naruto capsule toy of Sasuke, Fullmetal Alchemist phone strap of Riza Hawkeye, and so on. (I'm getting tired of listing all them T_T either go through my journal archives or PM and ask what they are)
There will be three winners (if that many people even enter XD;) the first place winner will pick a prize they want first... 2nd goes next and picks from what is left, and same for third.

I'd -like- it if at least 4 people entered T_T it'd be kinda sad if only 3 people do and they just win by default XD; but if I don't get at least three, the contest will be cancelled (cause, I mean, where's the fun in that?)

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Saturday, May 21, 2005

One new art posted...which is actually old art. I'm -still- unpacking and was scanning some things before I put them away in a box somewhere ^^;;


See previous post for details. I've gotten one thing submitted now~ I need at least 2 other people to submit something for the contest (or it isn't much of a contest, is it? ^^;)

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Friday, May 20, 2005

Working on new art... er...multi-tasking XD;;

Requests/art trades have been mostly sketched out now (some still need fixing ^^;) and will be scanned/colored within the next week or so.

I am posting a Work in progress version of something I'm doing, once again, for practice. Haha, I'm still not confident enough to do a CG for any of the requests or art trades XD;;;

So, yeah, the WIP is of a sort of "evil" Dante from Devil May Cry which is being done for a friend's AIM icon.


Contest running till June 1st.
All you gotta do for it is do -something- based on a song (any song, but you gotta tell me what it is ^^;) Art, fiction (fan or otherwise), wallpapers, and so on. You can do icons too, but it has to be a -series- of icons on account that they are super tiny ^^; (as long as it's 3 or more)

Prizes range from manga to figures.. some of them are theInu Yasha manga vol 1+2, Naruto capsule toy of Sasuke, Fullmetal Alchemist phone strap, and so on. (I'm getting tired of listing all them T_T either go through my journal archives or PM and ask what they are)
There will be three winners (if that many people even enter XD;) the first place winner will pick a prize they want first... 2nd goes next and picks from what is left, and same for third.

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Thursday, May 19, 2005

New art
whee, new art.

Hellsing pic posted yesterday (as some of you already noticed XD; thanks for commenting~) An old original sketch got the same test CG thing done to it (only I finished this one).

Now that I can CG with my mouse without killing myself, I shall finish all art trades and requests ^_^

Contest still going on. Ends June 1st.

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Monday, May 16, 2005

Back from Acen... totally had a blast. Didn't get to see Greg this time though T_T missed the autograph session cause I buying yaoi *shot dead*

But anyway, much fun was had... the artist alley had so many cool people there O_O too bad I couldn't buy too much *cries* (haha, since I bought something prior to the can that shall remain a secret till it's in my hands cause I don't wanna jinx it!)
The chick (Dina?) that does Mission Tranc3 was there O_O totally didn't know~ *squees* So that was pretty cool.

Overal, pretty good con. Shall have a con report later... but it'll be posted elsewhere and just linked here.

New art will be posted later... shall get caught up on art trades and requests soon.


Remember, there's still a contest. Ends at the end of May (so, June first). Will not be extended again after that (as it originally would've ended today). The only exception to this would be if more than one person specifically requests an extension, and then it might happen again. But if I don't get any feedback or any submissions by then, the goodies are all going on ebay.

Sorry XD;; but the leftover goodies are going on ebay anyway cause, gagh, I need money T_T I'd just rather get them up sooner than later since it was a hard decision to part with some of the stuff anyway (I need to hurry before I change my mind!)

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Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Rant (once again)
Okay, what's the deal with people bashing the cosplayers on this site?

~_~ Granted, some could use some work, but some of them do a pretty good job. Regardless of if they did a good job on the costume or not, it takes guts to do something like that.

First of all, costumes aren't cheap. Most of mine cost me $100-200. Second, it takes a bit of work to even where the thing (tolerate fanboys/girls, it's often hot, etc... in my case, bits of the costume are often held on with pins and they stab and hurt T_T)

Granted there are some cosplayers who have posted who sort of have, for lack of a better word, ghetto costumes. But I mean no one on the MyO cosplay section is really vomit worthy (Now, if Man Faye suddenly started posted pics on MyO, then all the complaining would be justified.... but he isn't there. Note- I'm not bashing Man Faye either XD; I think he rocks).

With all that said, it sorta pisses me off to see people posting about how ugly and nerdy and horrible they think the cosplayers on MyO are. We may be ugly, but we kick more ass than you do (unless you are me... in which case, you'd just be ugly and nerdy and do no ass kicking on account that a 5 foot shrimp does no ass kicking T_T unless they are wearing platform shoes. But then they can just be pushed over)

I'm not entirely sure where I was going with this rant ^^; I just wanted to say that it's pretty shitty that some of the cosplayers are getting bashed when cosplay requires a lot of time, effort, and money.


New wallpapers (Hagaren), and moved the Bleach ones I posted before into the right category.

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Sunday, May 8, 2005

Alright, I'm sort of half way moved back into my old house XD;; but I'm still going through stuff T_T As soon as I'm totally unpacked I'll be able to work on requests and art trades again.

I -did- find an old sketch book of mine while I was unpacking. Amusing enough, it contained a half finished Harry Potter (SiriusxRemus fluff) doujinshi I started maybe two years ago. For shits and giggles, I'm gonna redo it and finish it XD Yah! *shot dead* (but, wow, was that sketch book scary...I'm never seen so many HP related sketches in one place before O_O it was -scary-)

--Art Related--

Deleted two old images and put them together and reposted them (Fai and Kurogane from Tsubaba, since there's a category now)

Still going through notebooks I packed from my apartment, so I might find something to scan XD;;

--Contest Info---

Contest extended till the end of May.
All you gotta do is do -something- based on a song (any song, but you gotta tell me what it is) Art, fiction (fan or otherwise), wallpapers, and so on.

Prizes range from manga to figures (I'm getting tired of listing them T_T)
There will be three winners (if that many people even enter XD;) the first place winner will pick a prize they want first... 2nd goes next and picks from what is left, and same for third.

PM me with questions

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