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myOtaku.com: GTK

Monday, January 29, 2007

New art... most of it is stuff done for classes, plus one random image I did while taking a break XDDD

One oekaki (some guy with fun hair), and more finished versions of some older images I posted (the shark image and the image of the guy with all the black swirly stuff)


We can fave stuff now? O_O Hahahahhaa... I've known for like ten minutes and already ran off and faved like 4 things XDDDD

EDIT 2--
Am I the only one mildly confused by the fact that a good chunk of the images under the yaoi tag aren't yaoi? O_o But are generally pic of guys hugging or near each other or are just guys by themselves? WTF?
I mean... guys holding kittens, guys in really gay/slutty clothing, and guys doing nothing but looking snarky are not yaoi. WTF. And I went through like all the images under the tag and only one image was fap worthy ~_~; MyO, you disappoint me.

On that note...I'm probably the only one who thinks yaoi shouldn't be posted on MyO to begin with ^^; (hahahhahaha, which is why you don't see any of the stuff that I've drawn XD; Craziness)

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