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myOtaku.com: GTK

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

...so...like half the pics in my gallery have randomly changed categories. WTF. At first I thought it was images posted after a certain time... but it's just like random images O_o all the categories changed to misc anime. Some of them are original pics, so I thought maybe I'd done misc anime by mistake, but a good chunk of them are fanart and I know I did those properly. Weird. I'm trying to fix them.

...also, I'm apparently the only one using the keywords amputee, eaten by a doggie, street fashion, cannibalism, guro, fanservice (!?), straitjacket, and freak show. There are a few more that I'm the only one who's used that tag, but some of them relate to original characters and that obviously makes sense that only I would use them ^^;

I was surprised to find that I was not the only one using the tag "bondage" XD;; I am, however, apparently the only one who uses the tag and draws guys *dies* I'm also the only one who's done fanart for Vagrant Story, Legacy of Kain and Riot XD;; (or at least the only person to use tags? as I thought I'd seen LoK fanart here before?)

I also post entirely too many self portraits.

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