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Wednesday, July 7, 2004

pixel lines
okay.. I've noticed some of the comments on my pics have been like "the lines suck, wtf?" (the pic of Malik in particular)... erhm.... all these pics were done on an oekaki board... dont you people know what that is? Of course the lines are going to look like that. That's just the way the program is... it's borderline pixel art. A lot of the pics in my gallery were done this way (you can tell cause the lines in most of them...but you can do smooth lines in oekaki too... it just takes more effort, and I'm lazy. The only oekaki pics in my gallery that have "smooth" lines are the ones titled Mafia Boys, Voiceless Screaming and Soul Sick. The rest are more pixeled... like the new one I posted of Ritchie)

The whole point of this rant is that it's been pointed out enough times to irritate me... when you draw using oekaki and don't want to spend up to eight hours sitting at your comp working on it, the lines are going to look that way. (also keep in mind that some of the pics were drawn using --my mouse-- since my tablet hates me.)

Please don't point out the lines anymore... thanks guys ^^;;;

on a side note *coughs* I make more icons than I know what to do with and have been using my current icon for prolly less than month and already want a new one. There should be a therapy group for people like me...

"Hi... I can't stop making icons T_T I'm an icon whore."

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