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myOtaku.com: GTK

Monday, September 24, 2007

New arts!
Yup, something new. Sadly, it's more homework XP

The final version of the image I posted last time. I actually changed quite a bit for the new version~

The final image was a GIANT file though O_O my computer hated it... it would take a few minutes just to save the thing *weeps* I kept thinking it would crash DX

On a random note~ Anyone gonna enter that fan manga contest TheO is running? I'm totally gonna try, homework permitting XP I mean it's a comic with ZOMBIES in it ♥ I ran out and bought the manga, since I didn't think the preview up for it was that great XP Turned out to be pretty cute~ I'm a bit sad the new volume doesn't come out until October...

I actually wrote this whole entry in the time it took my image to resize so I could upload it here DX

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