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Thursday, July 15, 2004

new art-ses~
New pics are up~ may add more later today, but I'm not sure.

Both of them are rather old, done this time last year when I went to Japan. I'm going back again this year ^_^ so scanned the pics, hoping that I can redo them on my trip and have like... updated versions or something *laughs*

anyway, first pic is Sandman fanart. Because I'm in love with Morpheus/Dream. He'd prolly smite me, but I love him anyway. So the pic is of Delerium, Dream/Morpheus, and Matthew (the bird). All done with a ballpoint pen (which died to bring you that pic, and another of Dream that I'm not posting cause his neck was a tad too long in it and it drives me nuts). Note-- Dream's eyes are black, all of them, so no pupil. He should be that way. And if anyone has actually read Sandman, you might know that Delerium was --never-- drawn the way I have drawn her (to my knowledge). Which is just fine, because she's always changing and hardly ever looks the same to begin with. So I thought I'd be artsy and draw her a bit differently ^_^ And she'd prolly make butterflies or mushrooms or bubbles or flying frogs instead of bats, but I like bats... and maybe she made them for Dream, because he's such a angsty person. ^^;

Moving on *coughs*

2nd pic XD Of Ritchie, from Riot...again! Haahaa~ Sick of him yet? This time the pic was not edited in photoshop like most of my others... it really started out that purple color, since I did it with color pencil. The pic is simular to a scene in the manga (Riot) where he tells Billy he's "not worth killing now" because *spoiler* so he's all *spoiler, spoiler* XD and it's sad T_T And Ritchie is mean to Billy, but makes up for it later by saying that he knows a way to *spoiler, spoiler* XD;;

yeah, that made no sense, but I like it that way. Don't want to spoil the story for anyone, do we? ^_~

on a random note. Said Billy mentioned above is in a pic somewhere in my gallery, so you can go see who I'm talking about if you want.

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