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myOtaku.com: GTK

Thursday, July 22, 2004

Added new art... two Plague Doc pics and one of Morpheus (sandman), both done with ink pen.

The Morpheus pic was done randomly while I was waiting for an auction on Ebay to end (the FullMetal Alchemist watch XD I'll post pics of the watch, for those who asked, when it comes in the mail. Though it may be a while since it is coming from Hong Kong T_T).

The two Plague Doc pics were done while I was waiting to see Harry Potter at the Imax *dances* It's so cool to see that movie on such a huge screen~ *squees*

Also moving some art around... Some older Saiyuki art that was posted under original before there was a Saiyuki category...

Haven't done it yet, but my Riot fanart will get moved as well since there is now that category ^^

Much thanks to everyone who left me lovely comments and such on the art before the move T_T since I will now loose them all *cries*

But i must move them... cause it's listed now, and that makes me happy.


Does next to no one read this? Stop yelling at me for reposting art ~_~ I know I've reposted it cause I'm moving it to the proper category. *flails*

and the guys in all the Plague Doc pics are wearing MASKS. ~_~; Perhaps I should do a color pic of them so it's obvious?

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