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myOtaku.com: GTK

Wednesday, September 15, 2004

okay, so I'm getting asked the "How did you become such a good artist?" question.

First off, I'm not that great ^^; There are tons of people on this site better than I am. Second, pratice *dies* someone who left me a comment said something like "I hate to practice because I can't come up with anything good" or something simular (I can't remember where it was T_T or I'd look for it)... well, that's the point ^^; if you practice, you'll get better.

In all honesty, I --hate-- people who copy the work of others... like people who just straight up copy pics out of manga in such. But, this is sort of ironic because I started out that way myself ^^; So, if you can copy --well-- more power to you ^_~ I used to copy Satoshi Shiki's style *rolls* and then tried to make my own style based off of his... but was too lazy in the end and ended up with my current style (which is a shame ^^; because my pics that then, while not as good, were hella detailed and that was really cool.)

I hope that helped the people who asked me that question ^^;; *dies*

I would also like to thank purgatory and rain shower for giving me suggestions on my Sydney costume ^^ I've decided to do something along the lines of what you guys suggested... so thankyou~ *throws candy in your general direction*

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