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Monday, September 27, 2004

   The Flu? Already? T_T
only one new pic because I'm sick T_T

That guy with no arms again.. because I love him. And, in art history, we're doing greek and roman art and a lot of the statues are missing limbs so I was inspired XD;

The pic turned out only sort of okay, I think T_T but his pouty face is rather adorable *heart* his head might be too big though ~_~ and his hips turned out kinda girly... but he needed to be drawn, so there you have it.

The title of the image, btw ("I sell Society") is totally unrelated... it was the song stuck in my head at the time ^^; it's by Godhead.


okay, I lied about only one pic. I found one while looking for homework *dies*

So I've also posted a pic of Luki and Noki from Dogs ^_^ I love them~ they're so cute XD

I'm really happy though, despite being sick. I emailed my anthropology prof and told him I wasn't feeling well and asked if I could email my assignment to him and he said it was okay T_T because I emailed him in advance about it. So nice of him~ and he said he hoped I got better and such. It was really nice of him to be so understanding. I take back what I said about him being a nazi XD *shot dead*

...I like nazis though T_T they may have been evil, evil, people, but they were super stylish *loves* those uniforms were/are hot =^-^=

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