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myOtaku.com: GTK

Tuesday, December 14, 2004

One new sketch. It has the same two guys that were in the Mafia pic I posted a while back (omigawed, boys kissing! *shot dead*)

And~ My overall rating on this site is the lowest it's ever been. I don't know why, but this amuses me. I'm all fine with people not liking my art, but can I know why? O_o I'm curious, I tell you! Even funnier is that several pics I don't even like are highly rated *laughs* All the pics I like have low ratings though T_T I'm never surprised when sketches are marked low (cause, you know, they're sketches and aren't colored) but the top 4 pics in my gallery are all sketches O_O and only one of the lowest 4 is a sketch (the rest are colored... though I guess it's sort of understandable, since two of them are older pics and one of them was fanservice)

Just find it sort of... odd.

And, contrary to popular belief, I don't bite. I like comments (be they good or bad) and won't kill you for saying something bad (as long as it's constructive. If I get comments like "Omigawd, you drew *insert random character name here*, you suck!" then I will be vaguely irritated XD;)

For example... on my sketch of Edward (FMA.. which is, oddly enough, highly rated O_O) someone pointed out that one of Ed's arms it too short. OMIGAWD, I totally didn't notice T_T and so I look at the pic and, of course, his arm IS too short. See, if that person never said anything I wouldn't never known. Edward pic has since been fixed (though I've lost it and can't post the fixed version ^^;)
I've also been told my hand writting is bad T_T so...erhm... I'm working on it ^^;;

Anyway, point of the rant is... even if you don't like my pic (say, you hate it cause say the color is off or something is drawn oddly) let me know~ I'd love that lots. I don't even care if you vote no on the piccy, I just wanna know why because it helps me improve. Seriously.

okay, end rant XD

I should be studying, but I'm so unmotivated that it isn't funny T_T

off I go to uncermoniously fail my art history exam *shot dead*

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