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myOtaku.com: GTK

Friday, March 25, 2005

Contest (again)
Alright, decided on a theme for the contest. I will be going with the song based one (see post below for examples and list of prizes)

the contest won't start until sometime at the beginning of April... and will run until sometime in May (not decided yet, cause, omigawd I'll be busy in May *dies*)

If anyone has questions, post here and/or PM me.

You can submit art, wallpapers, fanfiction, whatever. Just have fun with it XD if you aren't sure about submitting something, send me a message or something and I'll tell you if it's okay or whatever.

You can either post submissions on MyO or email them to me. (if you post them, message me or something so I know about it though XD;;)

I don't really care how many people enter the contest ^^; I just need to get rid of some extra stuff *dies* and that means free anime goodies for you guys XD; But at least 3 people need to enter O_O;; cause I've got at least three prizes....

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