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Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Stil no new art XD *shot*

Contest still going on XD;;

I'm also still trying to figure out who else to cosplay T_T I'm already doing (yokai) Goku from Saiyuki... I might just do Gaiden Goku as well... but doing Goku so much seems...boring ~_~;;; *dies*

I thought about Jr from Xenosaga, since my bro wanted to do Albedo... but that'll have to wait till AnimeReactor rather than Anime Central (AR is in November-ish? ACen is in May XD;;) I'm also still trying to decide on 2nd game outfit or the 1st game outfit...argh.

I usually cosplay as guys ^^;; but I sorta wanna cosplay as Rukia from Bleach (see post below) just so I can have the pimp shinigame glove XD

*rolls* Can't decide... ~_~ and it's boring to re-use my Bridget costume from last year.

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