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myOtaku.com: GTK

Tuesday, May 3, 2005

Due to a series of unfortunate events, I will no longer be selling prints at Acen.

I was supposed to do it on Friday, but because of all kinds of things, I won't even be there on Friday T_T *cries*

I will, however, be there Saturday and Sunday.

If anyone is still interested in prints or stickers, I can sell them off of my website.

--Contest Info---

Contest extended till the end of May.

No new art...very busy ~_~

But I've got a light saber spoon now. It's red. Badass.

but since I feel I should post -something-, here's a random site that kicks ass.

click here

I dunno the name T_T it's in Japanese and I can't read kanji.

Lovely Xenosaga art though (and it's great if you love the URTVs since that what is there XD)

Most is "safe" (ie=can be viewed anywhere)... unless shirtles boys and a rather odd pic of Albedo and a Kirschwasser (argh, I can't spell) are offensive (then again, maybe not so much the Kirschasser...it's only disturbing since I played the game XD;;)

Under the junk images, there's a cute one of Albedo tickleing Rubedo XD so cute~ (there's also one of Rubedo all up on Albedo that's nicely done... minus the fact that Rubedo looks psychotic and Albedo looks uke *snirks*)

The artist draws Albedo really well T_T *fangirl*

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