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myOtaku.com: GTK

Monday, May 16, 2005

Back from Acen... totally had a blast. Didn't get to see Greg this time though T_T missed the autograph session cause I buying yaoi *shot dead*

But anyway, much fun was had... the artist alley had so many cool people there O_O too bad I couldn't buy too much *cries* (haha, since I bought something prior to the can that shall remain a secret till it's in my hands cause I don't wanna jinx it!)
The chick (Dina?) that does Mission Tranc3 was there O_O totally didn't know~ *squees* So that was pretty cool.

Overal, pretty good con. Shall have a con report later... but it'll be posted elsewhere and just linked here.

New art will be posted later... shall get caught up on art trades and requests soon.


Remember, there's still a contest. Ends at the end of May (so, June first). Will not be extended again after that (as it originally would've ended today). The only exception to this would be if more than one person specifically requests an extension, and then it might happen again. But if I don't get any feedback or any submissions by then, the goodies are all going on ebay.

Sorry XD;; but the leftover goodies are going on ebay anyway cause, gagh, I need money T_T I'd just rather get them up sooner than later since it was a hard decision to part with some of the stuff anyway (I need to hurry before I change my mind!)

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