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myOtaku.com: GTK

Thursday, June 30, 2005

New art, original, for the same project I did the last one for.

Randomly, someone buy me all the Idea doujinshi on ebay and I'll be your slave forever T_T *dies* I needs it because it's so pretty and it's FMA RoyxEd smut! *dies*

Idea kicks my ass so hardcore T_T I hope to some day be that good at this art thing XD *shot dead*

I want their FMA doujinshi so bad T_T but it's out of print! ARGH! And it's on ebay RIGHT NOW! ~_~; Why must I have no money?

One of the books is $34... *flails* the rest are around $18, if I remember right...

But I can't afford it T_T I can't even afford rent..... (unless maybe I sell off my current collection of FMA doujinshi... then I might be able to get enough money to pay for the Idea doujinshi... hmm......)

It sucks to be me T_T


New fanart XD Oekaki, Galerians. Squee.

Had to do art for myself or I'd explode T_T back to working on projects and requests! *dies*

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