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Wednesday, December 6, 2006


Blah, busy with school and projects and blah blah blah. Totally owe lots of people here art T_T Sorry guys! I'm still working on it, really~ *dies*

Anyway, some new art, most of it for projects of class T_T

And, randomly.....

So who is totally excited about the new art contest going on here, huh? I think it's pretty freakin' cool~ I'm really gonna try to enter and do something really nice for it. I think it's a great cause. I'm actually hoping that in the event I can crank something out for it I'll place low. I gave it some thought and I totally don't think I'm good enough to place first or second and I already have a Wii. But then I was like, "Hey, wait a sec, if this is for charity and if I end up getting something I have already, I should totally donate it to some place."

So I was looking online at different places that might be local and found Child's Play and it turns out the Hospital near campus is part of it. I checked their Amazon wish list, and they don't have anything super next gen listed ^^;;;;;; But I think it would be pretty cool anyway.

So~ People should totally enter the contest! Not because those are some pretty kick ass prizes, but because it's totally for a great cause (which is part of the reason I don't want to keep the prize in the event I manage to enter/place)

It probably helps that my mom is a nurse though ^^; and I hear about this sort of thing all the time *dies*

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