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Saturday, June 5, 2004

Still want an updates page
six new pics XD

Lots of people are asking about the Yu-Gi-Oh pic though... The guy is Mako (crazy fish guy). I honestly don't know a lot about him cause, like it says, I was asked to do the pic (and payed well for it). I just drew what they wanted ^^; I actually don't really watch Yu-Gi-Oh...

also...someone left an amusing comment on my Bridget pic...
"It's too bad Bridget is a guy"

I about died XD *dies* I love you, Bridget~ Hurrah for the girly boy *dances*

Though I still think whoever designed Bridget's shoes is the devil... they were a pain to make... a pain to wear... and it was even worse to go down stairs in them *dies*

But speaking of Bridget cosplay... There was a mini Guilty Gear vs Trigun photo shoot... it was pretty funny... I bonked Wolfwood with a teddy bear XD *cackles*

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