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Saturday, April 21, 2007

hey guys i got bored so here are some questions

1) what is ur truest dream?
2) Um....what do u think ur strength is?
3) If u could have any superpower what would it be?
4) Do u believe in the unbelievable?
5) What is ur greatest weakness?
6) What are u most afraid of?

Hey guys got bored so i came up with these questions. u don't have to answer them if u don't want to. YAY MY TAKS TESTS ARE OVER!!!! FINALLY. they take to long now we have to wait a whole month to see the results *sighs* i swear the state just's loves torturing children. that's the only explanation for it. Now ill worry about it till it comes. well w/e. oh did u guys like the last poem i wrote??? um....oh yea we have a field trip coming up to schliterbon(sp?), its a water park so it should be fun. lol
hm....well nothing else i guess......-_- sighs* anysways ttyl

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Friday, April 20, 2007

Hey u guys know any good bye songs for like the end of the year video????
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Monday, April 16, 2007

The unheard voice
Can anyone hear this voice that's yelling
out to be heard with this voice that is dwelling...

queitly on my inside
where no one can hear it
scream with all the troubles that reside
on the inside where they sit

It yells out to be heard
but no one can
not without the person's word
but the person won't becuase it is true and absurd

It shouldn't be heard
it shouldn't said
kept inside for all eternity without a word
because that was what it was made for,staying dead

No one hears it
because they don't want to
can't take whats said,they can't handle it
so they ignore what's true

It lies there forever
not screaming outloud, but inside
though wanting to cry out without being severed
but kept inside forever...

hey wrote this poem
tell me what u guys think.

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Saturday, April 14, 2007

Envy:Very Low

Take the Seven Deadly Sins Quiz

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If you were an anime character what would you look like? (girls/beautiful pics! lots of outcomes!!!!!!!) by IxLovexInuYasha<3
Your/characters name
Fav Color
Wat u look like:
PersonalityYour Cheerful! Your always happy and make those around you happy as well!! Yay!!
How many battle you have fought:89,286,985,284

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What do u look like as a vampire? (girls only/lots of pics) by Hisui
been alive sinceFebruary 17, 1781
Number of people u killed5,532

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pain of the night by sweett
Pain Of The Night
by Sweett
Watch as this tear falls into empty space
See it fall into life's nameless place
Can you see the sparkle as it catches the light
That sparkle once was happiness that is no longer in sight
As it falls watch it, its color has changed
From blue to bright red, it has a wide range

There it goes all alone, it continues to fall
With it, it takes the emotion, the emotion of all
Wait, can you hear it? A sob has broke free
Has shook the lungs cold, but yet it continues to be
Here it comes, a force has been built between the eye
A wall of shear water, it's now time to cry

A shudder, a scream, darkness envelops your soul
The darkness of the night has taken its toll

here's another cool poem that i liked

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Thursday, April 12, 2007

angels teardrops
hey guys i didn't write this poem but i thought it
was an awesome poem
tell me what u guys think

Angels teardrops
My guardian angel, once careless and free,
flew into the clouds and lost touch with me.
Her tears were cold and wet, falling on my face.
Her smile had left us without a trace.

Her angelic lips quivered, frozen and scared,
I felt rain clouds visiting, and had to prepare.
I knew that angels, often content,
were very special presents that God had sent.

To see one so sad,
so afraid,
so alone,
had made me weep while the cold winds had blown.

Her wings lost feathers,
comforting and soft,
falling from the stars,
floating aloft.

Her pain was felt throughout the land,
to feel true misery is impossible to stand.
I prayed so that when her hurting stops,
I'll be able to taste the angel's teardrops.

lol. hope u guys liked it

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Wednesday, April 11, 2007

hey guys
hey peoples
so what did u guys think of the last poem me posted. me thoughts was awesome
ok lol
here is a poem that i wrote when i was bored

Letting go
leaving things behind
saying goodbye even though
u aren't ready to untie the bind

Things like this happen, even though they seem a lie
they happen all the time
people die
people move on, leave without a sign

Sometimes we take care to notice
others we don't even care and ignore
the thing is if we don't
then we're an accomplice of this worlds evil core

Ignoring not caring
only brings saddness anger and bitter feelings
which only helps the evil we're sharing
we care we love we die; these are the things
we must do because if we don't accomplish this dealing
then what do we say when we leave this world
what happiness did we bring in this world ?
how do we answer when we're leaving?

sorry i know sucky poem
well not much happened today with me. how was your day guys?

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Tuesday, April 10, 2007

guys i thought this poem was awesome
i have many more sad ones but i thought i would post up a kind of cute one
um i didn't write it
but it's AWESOME

People are illogical,unreasonable, and self-centered
Love them anyway
If you do good,people will accuse you of selfish ulterior motives.
Do good anyway.
If you are successful, you win false friends and true enemies.
succeed anyway.
The good you do today may be forgotten tomorrow.
Do good anyway
Honesty and frankness make you vulnerable
Be honest and frank anyway.
The bigges people with the biggest ideas an be shot down
Think big anyway
People favor underdogs but follow only top dogs
Fight for the underdo0gs anyway
What you spend years building may be destroyed overnight
Build anyway.
People need help but may attack you if you help them
Help people anyway

I thought it was an awesome poem
nm going with me these days guys
how about with u?

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