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myOtaku.com: guddosyal

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Hey guys,
You know we all have dreams right. things we want to accomplish. little things we have believed in accomplishing since we were munchies(my word for younger people). Have you noticed that many people stop believing in them before their even a teen. Becuase they believe their "impossible" so they settle for less.
Then are the ones that keep believing with nothing in mind to accomplish them. they think what will i do after i have made my dream come true. Or they think that what if my dream doesn't turn out to be what i hoped? I mean i don't see any help coming from thinking that way. They won't know until they find out for themselves. And who knows it may just end up being the best thing they ever did. They fear the disappointment or the supposed "meaningless" wondering of the world after they have accomplished it. Instead they let the mere thought of their dream help them through each day.
In my opinion i don't believe that's right but that doesn't mean i don't understand the people that do so. My dream is to travel the world gathering books, helping people, and writing so i can bring smiles to those around me. I will be a pediatrician and help everyone i visit with a goal to help and not a goal to gain.(ok i know it's cheesy but it's my dream. *smirks* i hope i accomplish it and i don't just like many already in the world give up on it or have no means whats so ever to accomplish it. lol. ok i know this was kinda random but i was thinking about it and i started wondering about my dream then i started thinking about all the other's around me. I hope everyone's dream comes true. But i know that's way too much to hope for so instead i hope that i help those around me to accomplish theirs in any way i can. *sighs* haha. i guess i sound kinda stupid. lol.
sorry guys
oh and saddiez i commented on someones site saying that since i was only fourteen i was just a little innocent girl thats only fourteen and know's nothing else of the world. *smirks* i was explaining how it was an inside thing and i think they may have believed me. But i don't think age says anything about the kind of person you are or what you have done or how much wisdom and courage you have inside you. But then again i could be wrong on that account. *shrugs* you never know.

Alright here are my questions to you:

1. What is your dream?
2. Do you believe your going to accomplish it?
3. Have you ever judged someone before getting to know them (this can be on the bases of age, sex, skin color, etc...
4. What is your view on what i discussed?
5. Do any of you know how to dance? (alright this may seem random but i am adding it cause i really want to know)
anysways ttyl

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