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I am easily infatuated!
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I was 7 years old (Pokemon)
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Naruto, Fruits Basket, One Piece, BoBoBo-BoBo-BoBo, Fullmetal Alchemist
To draw better and spread Christianity
Drawing, Reading, Writing, Seeing Movies
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Wednesday, April 4, 2007
Woohoo, I watched Jay last night cause I heard Gerry (Gerard Butler) was gonna be on! The only problem was I saw 300 and had NO IDEA it was him. I mean, wooooooow. Ha ha ha. W/e hope you people can deal with a hyperactive fan girl. lol, so how is everyone holding up this week?
P.S. (Gerry is the PTO, too)
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Monday, April 2, 2007
SPRING BREAK!!! YAY!!! Okay, I'm over the whole bf thing. Yeah, I don't get sad's kinda wierd cause one time my most beloved cat George ran away and he didn't come back and my brother was crying but I wasn't I was just la la waiting for George to come back. La la la...Then he came back. Yay. Anyways, I'm so busy, can't put up stuff. Sorry peeps. And I watched The Phantom Of The Opera last night and cried again cause that movie is so sad at then end. TT_TT But it is so good...No it's time to watch the Pristige! YAAAAAY!!!!! Love that one too...And Silent Hill! OO!!! KILL BILL!!! I HAVE NEVER SEEN THAT MOVIE!!! I WANNA SEE IT!!!!!!! GAAAAAA!!! okay, too much chocolate...I be a bit hyper. ^_^;;
(The Phantom is HOTT! lol)

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Thursday, March 29, 2007
I am so mad right now! My dad just MADE me break up with my bf!! TT_TT It was cause he STUMBLED upon a bunch of hate mail from my bf in the past... Whatever...I guess its better this way
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Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Another boring non-exciting post. I have a killer headache and am so hungry. But anyways, I'm reading an awesome book called House. It is so good!! I'm going to a meeting about our graduation party. Yay, party!
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Monday, March 26, 2007
O_O;; OMG!! *GASP*!!!!! NO WAY!!!! !!!!! There's nothing to report.
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Sunday, March 25, 2007
Movie Week
I'm gonna put up two more videos that are animations! It's movie week! ^_^ Yeah, nothing much to talks bout now. So, how is everyone?
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Saturday, March 24, 2007
Well hiya. I went on another double date yesterday. It was so fun! We went and saw 300. I was yelling at my bf, "I HATE BLOODY GOREY ICKY YUCK STUFF!!!" But then he told me it was like The Matrix/Lord of the Rings/Silent Hill and then I said, "Oh, ok!" WOW, 300 was AWESOME! ...Apart from "certain" was mostly fighting and was totally awesome! See, I don't like war movies because the blood and junk is all realistic looking but 300...WOOT. That movie was so HEROIC! And all the blood was fake...What I mean is like CGI...y'know. And they made some pretty corny jokes in the movie too. Ha ha ha...You all need to see it. It was so...It was like...It would get you pumped! It made me want to get up and scream!! Woot! Anyways...It was fun. Here's a picture from the movie. ^_^ (it was so good...I want to see it again)

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Thursday, March 22, 2007
Sorry for all the sadness the other day. I'm happy again...and hungry. I want food... Anyways, I put up a new video! I love this one a whole lot! Its one of my favorites! ^_^
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Monday, March 19, 2007
Sorry, I'm a bit slow on updating my pictures and things like that...Too much homework lately. And besides all I want to do is sit around and think about my boyfriend. I want to talk to him all the time, the only problem is, when I get the chance, I get all shy and shut my mouth. I don't get it. W/e I won't dump it on you guys. On a lighter note, I might be getting photo shop and a tablet! YES! Now my pictures will finally look decent! YAY! I had a really depressing dream last night...I dreamed that I finally yelled my feelings to everyone...How sad...
Here's how it went. I was in the girlz locker room and I was doin what I always do and then someone said, "Calm down" and that was IT! I just SNAPPED and yelled in everyones faces. I yelled, "That's it! I'm TIRED of everyone saying calm down calm down!! OMG! HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO BE MYSELF IF EVERYONE SAYS 'omg calm down'?? I mean, all I do is give give give!! Give my friendship, give my happiness, give my love and what do I get in return?? I get horrible looks from EVERYONE!! They look at me like I'm some circus freak!! Except for a choice few, EVERYONE has looked at me that way!! And every single person says, omg your so wierd, and I say well what the [bleep]!! I am me!! I can't help it if God gave me the gift of being able to smile through through tears...I am always happy...It takes so much to set me off and then...I HATE YOU ALL!!! WHY ME?? WHY DO YOU ALL LOOK AT ME SO??!?!"
And then I woke up crying. The end. Sorry for the long you all *huggle*
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Saturday, March 17, 2007
Well howdy G dawgz bisket skillits! ...okay that was just wierd... Anyways, the dance was a blast!! WOOHOO! I'm so so sooooo happy right now! New stuff coming in soon. X3 See yall *glomps*
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