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I am easily infatuated!
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I was 7 years old (Pokemon)
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Naruto, Fruits Basket, One Piece, BoBoBo-BoBo-BoBo, Fullmetal Alchemist
To draw better and spread Christianity
Drawing, Reading, Writing, Seeing Movies
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Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Oh no, I have to finish reading VARJAK PAW before May 2nd!! ACK! I CAN't DO THAT!!! IM TOO OBSESSED WITH POKEMON RIGHT NOW!!! RRRRRR!!!! Well, anyways, Frank and George is happy that are good. Me loves my kitties. ^^ Anyways, I'm starting a manga. It might be kinda stupid but I like it. It will have me and Chikara in it and we will be Pokemon Ninja Masters! We weill meet many trainers/ enemies/ friends. If you want to be in it, do this:
1. Draw a picture of yourself
2. Name yourself
3. If you are a trainer give me the 6 Pokemon you want (You can only have 1 legendary)
4. If you are a ninja give me the jutsu you specialize in (It can be made up. If so, please tell me what it is called and what it does)
5. Send it to me! ^_^
Ok, so, if you don't want to be in it, nothing personal, I'm just asking 'round cause I'm bored. ^^
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Monday, April 23, 2007
I am UBERhappy right now. Well, yesterday we went to Arigatos and our waitress and a woman got in a fight over something. The customer pushed the waitress then she pushed back then the woman punched her in the face. The waitress had to go to the hospital and the lady had to leave. I got a new DS game, too. Pokemon Pearl, I have played it for 7 hours yesterday! ^_^ On my way home from school today on the bus we were attacked by a hoard of giant mosquitoes. We all freaked out except for Tori who squashed them all.

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Friday, April 20, 2007
Oo, oo, guess what happened today?!? NOTHING! Yeah. Well, when I went into Hot Topic I got a Domo-kun and Al shirt. No Jack...That stinks...Jack is cool. Anyways, when I was walking home from school I saw a cloud that looked like a chimera. That reminded me of the time in 6th grade when I saw these two clouds that looked like a castle and a ship. The ship was going to the castle! Yay. Well, w/e How is u peeps doin?

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Thursday, April 19, 2007
Bored, as usual. HOPEFULLY, I can go to the mall today. I want to buy some clothes. I might go into American Eagle but I am for sure going to Suncoast. Maybe Hot Topic. I want some shirts. Yeah, me likey. I want a Jack Skellington shirt, he's awesome. Oh, and another Naruto one and a Fruits Basket one. ^_^

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Wednesday, April 18, 2007
I have noe finally added a GOOD picture to my collection!
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Tuesday, April 17, 2007
I have FINALLY started my manga!! So far I have the preface. It's not up yet but I will notify you people when it is. I have changed the name. It's not R.A.N.D.O.M. anymore. I have decided to call it, "3 Survivors" because of what the story is about so far. All in all, I like what I'm doing but of course I stink at doing a manga so it might look really lame. I'm still developing 2 of my characters but so far everyone is named and finished. And I want your opinion. Which is better; Yoko or Yokoshima? BTW, I posted a pic, finally!
Hope everyone has a good day in the horrible windy weather. WEEEEEEE

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Thursday, April 12, 2007
I've been looking around Tokyopop lately. I want to buy the rest of Peach Fuzz and start buying Mail Order Ninja. Lawl, I love manga too much
 Ichigo Colored | Hosted By
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Wednesday, April 11, 2007
I am so bored right now... You have no idea...I stayed up until 1:00 am last night then fell asleep and woke up at 6:00 am! I was memorizing The Gettysburg Address...I HATE SOCIAL STUDIES!! Wow, it is so boring...Aside from that we have to do a report...Mine's on the assassination of Lincoln. Woohoo...NOT. And we always have SO much math homework! English is okay since we read good books in there...Science is cool, we're doing the Coke+Mentos=Boom experiment. Yay! Oh, I finally got Photoshop on my computer. I don't have a tablet yet though...I really want one...I miss my kitties...We had to put them down...I used to have 5 now I only have 2. Waaaa... I miss them so much.

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Monday, April 9, 2007
Well, I hope everyone had a happy easter. I sure did, and I got a ton of candy too. On easter night we had a movie marathon with our dinner. We watched "The Shining", "Pet Semetary", "The Birds", and "Underworld". I love Underworld, that movie is awesome...Too bad I forgot we had Silent Hill...Love that movie too. Anybody seen Apt Student? I hate that movie!! Stupid @#$! German puts a kitty in the oven and cooks it!!! TT_TT Next time I go to the movie store I might rent Anaconda or Cujo or something like that. Oh, by the way, if you want to see The Shining SEE THE OLD ONE the new one (I thought) wasn't that great.*eats a Pringle* I became a member of a Fruits Basket club. YaY. ^_^

Heeeeeeeeeeeeeere's JOHNNY!
Oh another thing. PET SEMETARY IS SO SAD.

Look out! A Lycan (Werewolf)!!
This is from Silent Hill. The scene where Pyramid Head rips out Anna's chest...If you can see it...It's kinda dark... But it is so awesome...Love that part...SOOOOOO awesome. Im crazy.

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Saturday, April 7, 2007
I saw Blades of Glory a while back. It was okay...Taledega Nights was funnier. I saw Meet The Robinsons today. I liked it. It was cute. ^_^;; (People always think I'm crazy if I like kid movies...What the heck?) I like Wilbur the best. My favorite part in the movie was when those two guys in the pots are saying, "Ring my doorbell." Lol, that was funny. HAPPY EASTER EVERYONE!!! Have a lovely time! God bless. ^_^

Yay, Wilbur. Ha ha ha.
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