The Diehard
- You are The Diehard, the ultimate Otaku. You have
seen practically every anime you can get your
greedy little hands on. You waste all your
spending money on DVDs, VHS, posters, cards,
keychains, Mangas, Artbooks, T-Shirts, CDs and
Models! You've probably cosplayed at least a
couple times, and never miss a convention. You
are unhealthily obsessed with anime. You live
and breath it. All you're hard work pays off
since you are ontop of everything that is
Anime... But, being The Diehard comes with a
price.. For one, it probably pisses you off
when you've known about an anime for a long
time then it comes to American TV and becomes
"popular" (Gundam Wing, Spirted Away,
CardCaptor Sakura, etc.). The Dubbie fans
probably annoy you too, since they lack the
anime intelligence to hold a decent
conversation with you.. Sure you've got the
experience, but try and be a little bit nicer
to The Dubbies, I am sure you were one too,
long long ago in a galaxy far far away...
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