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Up your ass and around the fuckin' corner bitch!
Member Since
Student, Otaku Life Updater, and an anime lover
Real Name
Victoria or Tori
Got into High school finally. Finally get to go to an anime club. Got more friends.
Anime Fan Since
15 years(hint:I am 15 years old)^-^
Favorite Anime
Inuyasha, Yu-Yu-Hakusho ,Fushigi Yuggi, GetBackers, Sailor Moon, Trigun, Yu-gi-oh, Fruit Baskets, Evangelion, Wolfs Rain, Full Metal Alchemist, Excel Saga, ect.
To have a successful life in being a Veteranarean, to have a perfect family, go to University of South of Alabama or Alabama State for college.
Surfing the web, hanging with my friends, watch anime, go to an anime club, everything is fun for me!^-^
Cheerleading, Gymastics,singing,dancing,ect.
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Thursday, December 23, 2004
 your bitch.
What swear word are you? brought to you by Quizilla
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 your fuck.
What swear word are you? brought to you by Quizilla
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 your shit.
What swear word are you? brought to you by Quizilla
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 your asshole.
What swear word are you? brought to you by Quizilla
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 god you dumbass.
What swear word are you? brought to you by Quizilla
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Wednesday, December 8, 2004
I took a little thingy and I like it.
Here it is:
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Sunday, December 5, 2004
I was cheated on by Joey. Friday we were suppose to celebrate our 1 month anniversery cuz I was suppose to stay the night with my grandmother. He went to his trailor to take a shower. I tried calling him and a girl answered. Here's our little conversation:
Hey is Joey there?
No sweety he's in the shower right now.
Is this his room mate?
No this is his girlfriend.
Oh okay. Tell him when he gets out the shower to call me.
Then here's mine and Joey's conversation:
Joey Starts:
What's this shit I hear about us breaking up?
I had a little talk with your girlfriend.
That's not my girlfriend.
Then why did she say that and sounded serious?
Becuz she plays like that. She's married to JB. That's his wife. She does that sometimes.
Well, I have me a new boyfriend. So sorry.
What did I do? I told you she wasn't my girlfriend.
Let's see here, you don't call me, I can't get in touch with you, you tell me your going to come see me and never show up, you break your promises, nothing is getting better since you moved out of your mother's house, you ignore me, you make me cry at night, want me to keep going? I have a lot more.
So I have had the most horrible week. But now I am with Derek Register and I love him more than I ever did with Joey. Derek calls me and tells me where he's going so I don't get worried if I can't get in touch with him. He makes me happy when I am sad, even when I went out with Joey. He was there for me when my friend Jessica died. I love him. He loves me too. He truely does. Tuesday I am going skating with him. My mom said I could go. And I might be able to go on Friday when my cousin Felicia comes over. Saturday I see him at Miso. Sunday he is going to try to come with me to my Uncle's house for the Christmas party we go to every year. But anyways, I better be going now. Love yall!Bye!
Sexy Tori(Derek if your reading this, I love you!)
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Sunday, November 28, 2004
Let's see. Yesterday Joey came by. I had a conversation with him. And here it is:
"Joey, you know you make me cry everynight?
Becuz I don't get to see you or atleast talk to you on the phone.
I'm sorry. I miss talking to you too.
Then why don't you just atleast call me from a payphone or something?
I don't know. I am always on the road and I only have my stupid cell phone.
Well, I love you and I don't want to lose you.
You won't lose me. Just wait, everything will be better soon I promise.
Okay. Will you come to Miso with me tonight?
Yes, I promise. I might be a litle late but I will be there.
You sure? And if anything changes, you need to call me. Use a payphone or something if your not in range. But call me alright?
Okay. I promise. I will be there. To see you I will do this for you. I love you very much and I don't want you to go. I want you to marry me someday but everything had to get worked out. But it will work out soon.
It better. Cuz I don't like to cry at night.
Please don't cry. Promise you won't cry.
I can't promise that. If you don't come tonight, then I might. But I will try not to. But you have to come tonight.
Okay I will. Don't worry.
How can I not worry when you aren't there with me? You have me worried that something is going to happen to you or something did happen to you and that makes me cry.I don't like to cry trust me. Your the only one that makes me cry.
I'm sorry. Please forgive me. I have been stupid. But please forgive me. It will be better. No matter what. I will make it better.
Okay. I love you, okay?
Okay. I love you so much.
I do too. *kisses*
But I really have to go. I have to bring Chris home and then meet you up at Miso alright?
Okay. Bye! *kisses*
After that I went to Miso. My mom brought me and Kayla becuz Jason found out he couldn't go. But we got up there, met up with Derek. Hung out with him all night. During the first break, me and Kellie was chasing each other cuz she insulted me by saying something. I can't really remember what thought. Then we were running down hill and I was going really fast and lost control with my feet. I tripped and I slid on my shoulder and my whole left side of my body. I sat there almost crying but I held it in. I scrached up my shoulder really bad. And I had a little bruise on my left side of my head from where I hit my head on the ground. Then I got up and walked to the bathroom.Cleaned it. Then went to get a bag of ice from Emily. Got bitched out by her. I am so suprised she didn't kick me out of there. I am also very happy she didn't. I won't be running anymore cuz I don't want to get hurt. Kellie was so tripin about all this. She was like, "I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to do it! I'm sorry." I told her it was all okay. I was use to getting hurt. Especially beatened by my ex-boyfriend. So I can take pain pretty well. I will always be use to getting hurt. There is no way in hell I would forget about getting beatened up. It was the scariest thing that has ever happened to me in my life. It will never leave me alone. I have bad dreams of my ex coming back to me telling me he loves me and starts beating me. As a matter of fact, I had a dream like that last night. But I just hope all this pain in side of me will go away soon. I just can't get it to happen. But anyways, I better be going. C-ya!
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Friday, November 26, 2004
Personality Quiz
I took this personality quiz. It's long but it is worth it. Well, here's the website to get to it:
Here's my results:
Gregariousness 62%
Sociability 46%
Assertiveness 54%
Poise 46%
Leadership 42%
Provactiveness 54%
Self-Disclosure 66%
Talkativeness 50%
Group Attachment 74%
Extroversion 54%
Understanding 62%
Warmth 74%
Morality 58%
Pleasantness 74%
Empathy 62%
Cooperation 50%
Sympanthy 82%
Tenderness 42%
Nurturance 78%
Friendliness 64%
Conscientiousness 38%
Efficiency 50%
Dutifulness 62%
Purposefulness 30%
Organization 46%
Cautiousness 38%
Rationality 50%
Perfectionism 42%
Orderliness 26%
Orderliness 42%
Stability 22%
Happiness 50%
Calmness 38%
Moderation 54%
Toughness 42%
Impulse Control 70%
Imperturbability 26%
Cool-headedness 42%
Tranquility 54%
Emotional Stability 44%
Intellect 18%
Ingenuity 46%
Reflection 58%
Comptence 58%
Quickness 46%
Introspection 38%
Creativity 38%
Imagination 46%
Depth 66%
Openmindedness 46%
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Sunday, November 21, 2004
Mixed Feelings
Okay Friday I was happy. Went to the movies with Joey and David and saw National Treasure. Came home around 12:15. Yesterday I was grounded from going to Miso. So I was mad. Then Joey called me and told me he was on the interstate and was on the way to my house and he never shows up. I couldn't get ahold of him. Then David said he was in the car with Joey and that after he(Joey) hung up with me, his boss called and told him to come look at Joey's new place so he went there instead without calling me to atleast tell me our plans got canceled. That got me so pissed! Then my mom said I could go to my friend Brittany's house and stay the night over there. So I went over there about 8:30 to 9 last night. Watched a couple movies and then watched Adult Swim. I finally got to watch Full Metal Alchemist. Then I was watching Inuyasha and she fell asleep during that. After Inuyasha I woke her up to go to bed in her room. Then came home today about 2:30. Started laundry and got on the internet all day long. Talking to Kayla and Cameron(he decided to be my friend again after 5 months of not talking to each other cuz of something that happened in the past), and I am trying to get Kayla to get someone to e-mail me so I can make a new friend or whatever. Well, anyways, I better be going. Bye!
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