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Thursday, February 15, 2007
Hi guys. Sorry for the long wait on the post for today. I was out running errands with my mom all day and now I'm back at home and resting. ~_~ahh.
I got my nails done yesterday for valentine's day. But the lady cut me with her auto-sander. You know the thing that they use to trim the cutcle wit. IT HURTS!!!! >_< I was so mad at her, I didn't even tip her. XP I put some triple anti-bacterial stuff on it that I borrowed from my brother. It's really sensitive, so if I rub it, it will sting. Wah. T_T
But I'm okay, though, I'll live. When go to that same place again, I'll remember to let the ringleader do my nails. ^_^ always make sure that you deal with very experienced professionals, not thoSE NOT-AS-PROFFESSIONAL-AS-THE-OTHER type of people. Okay, I'm off to see you all, so talk to you later!
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Wednesday, February 14, 2007
HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi GUYS!!!!!
HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY! I'm going to be getting my nails done with my mom and sister. I know it sounds girly, but i can't help it! *giggle*
I'm single, so I'll probably get stuff from my brother or something. ^_^
In the meantime, here is my e-card below. Later!
*HUGGIES* XOXOXO ^_^v---gwinggirl100
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Tuesday, February 13, 2007
OHH, valentines and chocolates..~_~* YUMMY
Hi peoples! I'm not doing much right now, just eating homemade chocolate bundt cake. I love chocolate. It rained really hard earlier today. i'm glad I stayed inside. Well My mom got a call saying that oldest brother, Lebron, needs an operation. ( Not the one who fell two days ago. I have three brothers.) He's handicap. I hope that he doen't really need it, but if he does get the operation, my prayers are with him.
On a lighter note, Valentines day is tomorrow, so I don't know what my plans are. I am single, after all. I probably give all of my friends candy, and small gifts for the FAM (Family).
I will be sending e-cards galore to all my myo buddies, so keep a lookout! Take care everyone!
*HUGGIES* ^_^v-gwinggirl100
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Monday, February 12, 2007
I'm having an okay day! No more boo-boos for Tai!
Hi everyone! Today as much better than yesterday. My brother's doing fine. He had to get 2 sitches on his chin, and his hands and legs are doing great. To those of you who didn't know, he fell in our church parking lot yesterday. I got a new louis vutton purse which makes me a little more happy. Right now i'm just bored more than anything. I'm going to fix my other site or at least try to. LOL. I'm interested in making AVIs. They are so cool! Well i'm off. Later! ^_^v--arigato!
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Sunday, February 11, 2007
Major Boo-Boos....get better soon Tai *HUGS*
Hi everyone. I didn't have a really good afternoon today. I went to church this morning for sunday school and when it was over there was a bake sale going on that I had to help out with. When everyone went into the parking lot to go home, my older brother Tai, slipped and fell! I was so hurt. He scraped the bottom of his chin, his hand, and both his knees. I felt so terrible! He insisted that he was fine and everything just stings, but I still cried like a baby. I'm a sensitive persn, and seeing him like that really disturbed me. We saw that the scrapes were deep and took him to the hospital to get patched up. I just got an update while I was writting this post that he had to get stitches. I'm just glad that he didn't cry. I guess it's a guy thing. Well you guys take care and thans for visting!
Later! ^_^v--*HUGS* gwinggirl100
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Saturday, February 10, 2007
Febuary 10, 2006>>>>>continued
YAY! I FINALLY HAVE MUSIC ON MY SITE! Go ahead and check out my favorite songs! LATER!
^_^v--luv! gwingggirl100
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Making Changes PT. 2 >>>>Post time- 11:11 a.m
Good day, people. I'm still trying to figure out how to get music on my site. It's a long and annoying process >_<. Anyway, I asked a a question late yesterday that was inspired from reading a poem posted on the site from one of my MYO buddies, Antiworld, and I asked if anyone had the power to change one thing in our world what would you choose to change? How would you bend the world? So far I had one comment from dark desires;
*"what i would change in ppl is their disloyality and their dishonesty. Because im tired of ppl lying to me. And ppl not believing the ones who are telling the truth.*
Take care you guys! ^_^v--luv-*HUGS* gwinggirl100
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Friday, February 9, 2007
Well, Well, do you do? It's been a long day. A long boring day. I didn't have the time to finish my myspace today. I wish I did. Having obligations suck. I'm very tired. I just wanna relax, really. One of my MYO buddies, Antiworld, is a great poet. Check him out. I know that there have been times that we wish that we all had the power to make changes in our world. That poem that I read on his post today was great. This inspired me to ask a question to you all today, " What would be the number one thing that you would change in our world, and why?" Just a question that I wanted to throw out there. Now I'm gonna catch some Z's. GOODNIGHT! -_-v--zzzz.
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Thursday, February 8, 2007
Just another day....
Nothin much going on here. I'm really bored. I wanna chat with someone. I'll be adding some music to my site soon. OH, and I have a myspace now! But---It's not finished. I'm having some trouble getting what I need to finish it. If some out there has a myspace, help me out a bit.
Later ^_^v-luvs!!! gwinggirl100
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Wednesday, February 7, 2007
Hi guys. To those of you who didn't read yesterday's post, I wrote a little inspirational
message to everyone who is having problems right now. I went by some sites yesterday and I noticed that alot of my buddies were venting about the conflicts that they were having at home or with themselves. I still hope that everything comes out well for you anyhow, and I just want you all to remember, I'm around if you want to talk. Just PM me. I'm not being nosy or anything, I just care. That's all. If you want to talk about random stuff, I'm here, too. I'm all about randomness! It's so much fun! ( I hope randomness is a real word. lol.) Well I'm off to see your sites! Hopefully my comments won't be poignant this time! LOL Later! ^_^v--luvs!!
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