Birthday • 1988-07-30 Gender •
Female Location • In front of the computer! ^_^ Member Since • 2005-08-03 Occupation • High School Graduate!!!! Real Name • Ashia ( pronounced "ay-sh-uh)
Anime Fan Since • 1999 Favorite Anime • Gundam wing!!!! Goals • being an actress, a famous one so you can say some day, " Hey I know her! She used to have a blog at! She's on my friends list!" Hobbies • acting, art, shopping, writng stories( currently writing my own online spin-off of gundam Wing The Endless Waltz, and a novel that I haven't titled yet...) Talents • acting, writng stories ( Yeah.. I love to act...^_^ ) gwinggirl100
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
Well I may not be able to be on myo back and forth like I ususally am, because the internet at my house is experiencing difficulties, so I have to be at a computer else where. >_<
But I will be able to keep in touch with you all.
Oh, and also, as you all can see from the title, I've decided that in 2 days, I will change my theme. "What is the theme", you ask? Well you all will see! LOL I'm pretty sure that you all will think it's cool. LOL. Oh, and just to get this info across everyone, I will have a Rob Van Dam theme on April 2nd, because " WRESTLEMANIA 22" will air on pay-per-view that night, and I want to give my support to RVD, and i hope that he wins that " Money in the bank" match. GOOD LUCK, RVD!!! ^3^
Well I'm gonna go visit you all now, and I will be in touch with you all! Have a good one you guys, and Here's some more pictures!
I'M BACK!! POST TIME> 12: 41 P.M
I just got back from being with my mom out of town. We went to Seminole, which was quite a dive, considering that i live in St. Petersburg. We ate cheeseburgers and fries from Mcdonalds. *MMM! cheeseburger!!!*
I just saw on my FL that one of my friends samtheturk65, finally posted. It's been a while, and i started to get worried. * Note to sam, " IT'S AbOUT TIME!" LOL. Ha, Ha, i'm just messing with you, sam! LOL.
I'm feeling much better than i did yesterday, which was much better than the day before. Which is good!
I've been a little better since yesterday. But not completely. I decided not to change my theme just yet. I want to get used to this one first. sounds good, right? LOL
I'm glad you guys liked the chibi art. Chibi, to me, is one of the best things that have ever happened to anime. I think Gundam wing Chibi art was the most perfect thing for Gundam Wing!! * C'mon, They all looked CUTE didn't they? LOL
Okay, today, I'm also going to give some shout outs:
Kitsune foxfire: Where have ya been?
Renotheturk: Hi! How are you?
Smaurai kitty: How's your day?
RinoaSquallforever: You did make a good point in the beginning of your comment. I'll wait for a while. ^_^
samtheturk65: OMG! where are you?! o.O?
deadlynightshade: How's your day?
silvereagle: thanks for adding me!
And to all those I didn't mention, or just visiting my site, I have a question of the day for you all:
" If you could be an anime character for a day. what would you be?"
Thanks for visiting this morning, and now I will leave you guys with a video. It's from a japanese show. To those of you who can't watch videos, the website is, and type the word " Japanese" and clik on the video titled, " stupid Japanese". It's a funny video. Tell me what you guys think.
Here's a few pics, too.
^ My husband-to-be, Rob Van Dam on his febuary RAW magazine cover! * AH..Rob...^3^. LOL
^ Doin' the splits. WOW! He's in great shape!!
^ RVD in action Taking on the BIG SHOW. Man that guy's huge!
Hey Guys! ^_^
Well i'm not doing much today. I'm sick again!! Argh!!! >_< I have to go to the doctor later and see what i should do about it....yay....the doctor...>_<. Well on a lighter note, I thought about changing my theme again, but i wanna hear what you guys think...maybe i should hold off a little bit...get you guys used to this one. But I was in the mood for a change. Too early perhaps? ^_^
HARRY POTTER 4 comes out on video and DVD today!!!! YAY! HP! I haven't seen it in theaters, but i heard that it was the best one yet. Let's hope that it is...LOL.
I'm still planning my story. With me not feeling well, i'm not really focused on it right now. -_-
Well i'm going to leave you guys with some chibi Art.
Good Morning!
I'm really happy today, because I finished cleaning my living Room, so much work *phew*. Well tonight is MONDAY NIGHT "RAW"! To those of you who don't know what that is, it's a wrestling show that comes on every monday night on the usa network. It's a very cool show. I haven't watched wrestling since the early 90's. * such a long time...whew*. Shawn Micheals, a well known wrestle, was forced to kiss Mr. mcmahon's ass. Mcmahon has this club called " The kiss my ass club" Can you believe that
?! Shawn Micheals was was knocked unconcious, and mr. Mcmahon's son shane, took him and puckered his lips and put his face on Mr. Mcmahon's butt. EWWW! Now he must confront the humiliation tonight. Poor Man. Okay, I know wrestling is fake, that's the reason that the name WWF ( world wrestling Federation) was changed to WWE ( world wrestling entertainment). Go figure, huh? LOL. Well i'm not doing much right now. Faith is on my lap again. FAITH SAYS : "HI!" *baby waves at you all* LOL. She does these weird grunts that are so cute! She's a little fat though...but not "FAT". You know what i mean? She's a chunky baby. LOL Anyway, I'm gonna leave you all with some pictures. Oh, and i am still planning the next page of ny story out so i'll post it tomorrow.
Just in case you all did not read more of my story yet, i'll post it today. Okay, Enjoy " AFTER THE WATLZ" continued below:
Hilde, where did you get that idea from?" Duo asked.
" Well it seems very odd to me... you just left him there?" she said.
" Well Max is a big boy he can go to school by hiself." Duo says picking up an apple from the table. He walks out of the house and Hilde sighs and continues cleaning her house.
some hours passed, and Lily and the girls were still downtown doing what they always do best. Talk.
" I saw Jin at the coffee shop, and he asked about you lily..." Farrah teases.
" What did he ask?" Lily asked.
"He asked if you had a partner in science class for the upcoming project." said Lei-Mei.
" What did you tell him?!" Lily suddenly demanded.
" Well...we told him that it was funny he asked that question...because she was going to ask you the same.[Lily's eyes widen] We told him that you left a message with us to tell him that you would be glad to be his partner...*giggle* "
" YOU LIED TO HIM?!I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU DID THAT!" Lily yelled out of humiliation.
[ Farrah giggles again]
" We're tired of you goin' on and on about how you are interested in him...It's time for some action..." said Lei-Mei.
" I'm going to be sick." said Misha.
" You always get sick when it comes to love, Misha. Why can't you just get used to it?" said Farrah.
" Yeah, Misha. Live a little..." said Lei Mei.
" WHOA you guys... isn't this supposed to be about lily?" said Misha.
Max cruizes around the shopping center and sits on a bench. He meditates. Then he opens his eyes when he hears a familiar voice.
" Well, well, well. Isn't it ol' "Maximillion"," says Danny Murdock. " I wasn't expecting YOU, of all people to be HERE."
" Mind your business Danny." says Max looking away.
" Why are you skippimg school, Maxie?" Danny teases.
" Why are YOU skipping school?" Max says.
" Well, Max, you always have that back-bitting attitude that I always despize." he says.
" And you have that i'm-better-than-everyone attitude that I always despize..." says Max.
" i'd watch who you're messing with, Max," Danny says advancing on him. " but it doesn't matter what you think. You may have good grades, I'm still alot better than you when it comes to fighting..." says Danny.
" You wanna bet on that?" says Max.
Danny and his four-boy-posse advance on Max and Max advances on them. They all are in a critical stare-down...
It is now evening and Hilde is preparing dinner.
The front door opens and Lily comes into the house.
" Hi mom. You look down what's up?" she asks.
" Max didn't get home yet." says hilde.
" Didn't he go to school?" asked Lily.
" That's what I thought..."
Duo and comes into the room and Max is by his side. Hilde gasps at the sight of Max. He has a bruise on his face and his lip is bleeding.
" He got into a fight..." said Duo.
* Question of the day*
" What do you think these characters look like? [ even DUO ]
What comes to mind when you read the story?
Hilde, where did you get that idea from?" Duo asked.
" Well it seems very odd to me... you just left him there?" she said.
" Well Max is a big boy he can go to school by hiself." Duo says picking up an apple from the table. He walks out of the house and Hilde sighs and continues cleaning her house.
some hours passed, and Lily and the girls were still downtown doing what they always do best. Talk.
" I saw Jin at the coffee shop, and he asked about you lily..." Farrah teases.
" What did he ask?" Lily asked.
"He asked if you had a partner in science class for the upcoming project." said Lei-Mei.
" What did you tell him?!" Lily suddenly demanded.
" Well...we told him that it was funny he asked that question...because she was going to ask you the same.[Lily's eyes widen] We told him that you left a message with us to tell him that you would be glad to be his partner...*giggle* "
" YOU LIED TO HIM?!I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU DID THAT!" Lily yelled out of humiliation.
[ Farrah giggles again]
" We're tired of you goin' on and on about how you are interested in him...It's time for some action..." said Lei-Mei.
" I'm going to be sick." said Misha.
" You always get sick when it comes to love, Misha. Why can't you just get used to it?" said Farrah.
" Yeah, Misha. Live a little..." said Lei Mei.
" WHOA you guys... isn't this supposed to be about lily?" said Misha.
Max cruizes around the shopping center and sits on a bench. He meditates. Then he opens his eyes when he hears a familiar voice.
" Well, well, well. Isn't it ol' "Maximillion"," says Danny Murdock. " I wasn't expecting YOU, of all people to be HERE."
" Mind your business Danny." says Max looking away.
" Why are you skippimg school, Maxie?" Danny teases.
" Why are YOU skipping school?" Max says.
" Well, Max, you always have that back-bitting attitude that I always despize." he says.
" And you have that i'm-better-than-everyone attitude that I always despize..." says Max.
" i'd watch who you're messing with, Max," Danny says advancing on him. " but it doesn't matter what you think. You may have good grades, I'm still alot better than you when it comes to fighting..." says Danny.
" You wanna bet on that?" says Max.
Danny and his four-boy-posse advance on Max and Max advances on them. They all are in a critical stare-down...
It is now evening and Hilde is preparing dinner.
The front door opens and Lily comes into the house.
" Hi mom. You look down what's up?" she asks.
" Max didn't get home yet." says hilde.
" Didn't he go to school?" asked Lily.
" That's what I thought..."
Duo and comes into the room and Max is by his side. Hilde gasps at the sight of Max. He has a bruise on his face and his lip is bleeding.
" He got into a fight..." said Duo.
* Question of the day*
" What voice actors do you think would be good for these characters? [except for Duo, of coarse]
This applies to every charcter int the story.
I wanted to do something new this month, so i did! I changed my layout! Well i'll add some more stuff soon, like the effects to my texts and stuff. Well anyway, I'm not doing much at all, but planning some more of my story. Speaking of which, I'm posting up some more today, so here you go!
Well today is much better than it was yesterday. * yay!* But this time, I feel LAZY! LOL well, yesterday, I had said that I just got back into wrestling. What I meant by that is that I got back into WATCHING wrestling...I DON'T WRESTLE!LOL That would be very funny.. wouldn't it? A girly-girl like me, wrestling...LOL. Well I don't have much to say! Wait! I forgot...I'm going to post some more of my story up probably on the week-end. I just very busy this week. >_< I don't really have time to post up ics but i will tomorrow!
I'm Exhausted.....
Well i'm not feeling my best (, it's very annoying when your exhausted >_< ) Well I have to take the science FCAT next monday, and I don't want to. It only counts against the school grade, not MY grade...but still, I don't wanna do it....*sigh* Well anyway my baby neice, faith.She is sitting on my lap right now...she's so cute! FAITH SAYS " HI EVERYONE!!" * baby waves at you all* ^_^
I just got back into watching wrestling, and boy, does it feel good. WWE RAW on Monday nights...;) My favorite is Rob Van Dam. He's like one of the best...and he's hot, too. ~_~ *swoons*
Well anyway on to the subject of my story:
Thank all of you who read some of it so far! and your comments. To those of you who haven't read it yesterday, here's what happened:
* Lily and Misha talked about Jetta, and it is revealed that Jetta is Misha older sister.
* Lily tells Irvine that every one just wants to support him...
* And Hilde asks Duo if he's helping Max skip school.
Well thats all folks and I will post some more of my story later this week. It's Faith's feeding time now...* baby waves goodbye* ^_^