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Saturday, February 18, 2006
I'M SORRY......

I probaby should not have posted yesterday. I saw Madonna's new viedo on TV and was very excited about it. But unfortunatley, some of you aren't big fans of Madonna ( well maybe some you are that I don't know of). I should not have asked you guys to vote if you didn't want to. I know that some of you guys have different interests. As upset as I feel, I will always respect your opinions and your feelings. You are all my friends, and, hey...what do you think friends are for? ^_^v
G-Wing Girl 
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Thursday, February 16, 2006
MADONNA!!!!! ^_^

I LOVE MADONNA! Her newest video " SORRY" came on TRL yesterday and I loved it! I'm voting for it to be #1 !!! TRL is on ch.44 if you have cable. Madonna's " Sorry" video can be seen on my profile above. Please vote for her on TRL on MTV! Thanks for the support!
G-Wing Girl 
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Wednesday, February 15, 2006
Just Relaxing...

Just relaxing right now. Yesterday on Valentine's day my brother gave me a rose that flashes red lights when you push a button on the top. I really like that Rose. It's so pretty..^_^
Well is there any of you who is willing to share what you've done for V-day? Any funny of weird stories? OH!! speaking of" STORIES" I'll post up some more of " life After the Waltz" soon. It's been a vey busy month. I'm burned out! well at least i'm realaxing today, though. ^_^
Weel see you all around!
G-wing Girl 
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Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Just wishing you all a Happy Valentine's Day and I also wanted to say that I love all of my friends;
* samtheturk65
* freako
* antiworld
* AngelDust22
* animegrl27
* duo555
* EdwardElricThe2nd
* Enigmatic Turk
* EvilMonkey
* FullMetal Fan130
* Gundam Gravity
* gundam junky
* gundam93
* gundammaniac81592
* Hazel Keys1985
* HeeroYuy77
* inuyashadestroyer
* JD Person
* kimapili
* kingdomheartsgirl
* Kira Yamato999
* kittycatgirl
* kout3uka
* Lady Subaru101
* Luff
* Princess Angel
* rainbow unicorn
* RaineDrops
* RenoTheTurk
* RikkuXxXx
* RikuHeart
* rinoa01
* rodger9872
* Sailor Usagi Chan
* samtheturk65
* sephiroth.
* shiori hana
* Sigizi
* SoLo N HeartLess
* Super Kanti
* stay together
Thanks to Renotheturk for the card!

G-Wing girl 
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Monday, February 13, 2006
I Need a Nap.....
I had a long week last week and a nap is way over due for me...well i'm fine for now . I haven't been feeling well yesterday. Ugh! everybody's sick, and this cold weather isn't helping ~_~ brrr...
well it should get warmer this week...maybe. heh. heh. Well gtg I'll visit you all on Valentine's day.
Latet ^3^
G-Wing Girl
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Friday, February 10, 2006
This is my new backround, I still wanted to have duo on there though. But at least I have have Daethscythe on there, too! Aren't they cute? ^_^
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Thursday, February 9, 2006
Which theme should i have?
I'm trying to decide on a new theme, but i don't know what. Maybe a different Duo backround?
G- Wing girl
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Wednesday, February 8, 2006
My fictional story That i posted so far was about the following things:
* We were all introduced to maxwell Shcbeiker
* We all know that Duo is married with 7 children
* We all have an insight to Maxwell's Dilemma
* We have met the children ( except Trinity, which will be introduced later ^_^ )
* We know who Irvine is and what his problems are
If anyone of you who are just becoming my friends don't know the story at all, pm me and I will E-mail you a summary. If any of you have been comming and missed it, I'll give you one, too. ^_^
Why don't you guys tell me what you like about my story.
G- Wing Girl
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Monday, February 6, 2006
I 'm a little confused....
I recently visited the official gundam site and I was absolultey stunned to find that the entire gundam series was made back in the 1980's! So are all of the gundams way old? Is there still some being made?! I'm confused!
G-Wing Girl
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Thursday, February 2, 2006
“Max, we never wanted you to follow in Irvine’s shadow, Max. We want you to do the right things on life. We don’t want you to fail in everything just because things get tough, we want you to be the exact opposite of Irvine. “ says Duo consolating his son.
“ Don’t get us wrong, Max, we love Irvine, we worry about him everyday. There is not one moment that goes by when we don’t think of a way to help him with his problems.” Says Duo.
“ I understand. This had always been on my mind, I just had to talk to you guys about this.” Says Max.
Some time passes by and Duo decides to go on the roof to look at the stars, but finds that Irvine was way ahead of him.
“ I wouldn’t expect you of all people to go star gazing” says Duo.
“ I didn’t have anything better to do,” says Irvine in a solemn tone.
“ Is that so? I would’ve expected you to just sit up in your room all night long doing absolutely nothing like you always do.” Says Duo.
“ Irvine ignores his comment and keeps staring at the night sky. Duo notices and joins him. After a moment passes by, Duo just decides to spit out the question he never thought he would ask his oldest son in two years.
“ Irvine, What’s wrong with you?”
“ Irvine reacts to the question. It’s not what he would’ve expected to hear at this moment, he would’ve expected this question to be asked whenever they would get into an argument, or a confrontation that was planned. But wasn’t planned for Irvine, Nor his Father.
The next morning is the usual; Hilde’s alarm clock rings at 7:00 a.m. she wakes up, Duo wakes up because of the alarm clock, he gets fustrated, tries to go back to sleep, Hilde notices and wakes him, She goes down stairs, cooks breakfast, Calls the children to get ready for school, they come down stairs, Chaos ensues at the breakfast table, Irvine comes downstairs, grabs only a piece of toast, walks out of the door without saying goodbye, Lily and Phoebe talk about Lily’s crush on Jin, Duo gags, everyone finishes and leaves out the door, the children board the capsule, Duo and Hilde go back to work on the Yard, they talk about their children, Duo has a new customer, hilde is always running around the neighborhood, they finish work, go home, the kids arrive, and more stress comes later in the day.
(To be con’t.)
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