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In front of the computer! ^_^
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High School Graduate!!!!
Real Name
Ashia ( pronounced "ay-sh-uh)
Anime Fan Since
Favorite Anime
Gundam wing!!!!
being an actress, a famous one so you can say some day, " Hey I know her! She used to have a blog at! She's on my friends list!"
acting, art, shopping, writng stories( currently writing my own online spin-off of gundam Wing The Endless Waltz, and a novel that I haven't titled yet...)
acting, writng stories ( Yeah.. I love to act...^_^ )
| gwinggirl100
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Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Super busy! busy ! busy!
Just checking in on you guys. Just so you all know, I'm fine. Just doing so much! You guys have no idea! But I'm doing the best I can! I love you all and thanks for not deleting me!!!! *LOL!* Just tell me how you guys are doing and everything. I would like to know how life is treating yous guys right now! Later! ^_^v
p.s. I'm sorry, Robbie!! ^///^
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Monday, August 6, 2007
Hi. It's been a long couple of weeks. I have alot to accomplish this week in so little time, but there are no worries. I'm taking everything in just fine, but i just hate it when I go through stress at home, it's like the world is already a big place and society is already a mofo, so you REALLY do not feel like tackling BS at home. Seriously. At least give me some peace! Damn! Sorries. I'm just stressed out a little but then again, I'm not. I'm in between. i need a vacation. I want to go somewhere. Far away. Where it's out of the state.
Anyway, I guess that I'll just be doing some acting on the side to keep myself motivated and working. But mostly motivated. I love to act, so it should be good with me.
Well I thought that I just drop by and tell my peeps how life is treating me. I'm just going to leave you guys with a quote.
Later! ^_^v
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Monday, July 30, 2007
My Birthday!!!!
Today's my 19th Birthday! YAY!!!!!
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Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Brian Kendrick and Paul london!!!!!!!
I just wanted to tell you guys that I am crazy about these guys!!! Brian Kendrick and Paul London! They are so cool!!! They are WWE wrestlers.
If you don't know who they are, visit these sites.
I couldn't help it. Just something that you guys can look at, since there are some of you who can't watch videos and I have to look out for that. Take Care you guys!
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Saturday, July 7, 2007
Post 4th of July
I hope that you all had a very good 4th of July! I did. I went to my church's picnic at a beach out of town, everyone had a lot of laughs including a little fight with a water gun, that my pastor just started shooting at us with it, and eventually we turn it against him and sprayed him! ^///^ After that, we saw a parade, and people threw beads, candy, and passed out flyers.
But at nighttime, I went to see the movie Transformers. I was a little skeptical in seeing it at first because I thought that it would bore me and I would like to get my money's worth, you know? But it turns out that not only did I enjoy it, I truly LOVED it! LOL. I highly recommend that you guys see this movie. It literally is AWESOME, from the beginning straight to the end, and it has some really hilarious moments! I enjoyed it throughout.
My sister and my niece's birthday was yesterday, but her birthday was a stressful one. I felt bad so I had made her a card, but at least my niece enjoyed hers. And my Nephew's birthday was on the 5th. He had a vanilla cake with Winne-the-pooh decorations! It's really good. And my niece has a chocolate Tinkerbell decorated cake! We haven't eaten it yet, we still have my nephew's cake to finish! LOL
Well that all that went down with me this week. I hope that you all have a great day, and try to have some fun! Laterz!
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Monday, July 2, 2007
The Infamous Dramatic Prairie Dog Videos
Oh my gosh you guys! You've probably seen these before. This is so funny!
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Saturday, June 30, 2007
Hey you guys. Just some GIFs for today. Tell me what your favorites are.

This one is really FREAKY!!!

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Wednesday, June 27, 2007
I'm back!
Hey, Everyone! It's been a long time, I know. Alot has been going on with me such as comp classes, work, and myspace. Yeah...myspace. >_<. Well, Chris Beniot is dead....yeah. I honestly don't know what to feel, because it is being said that not only did he kill hiself, but he killed his wife and their 7-year old son. All of their bodies were found in their home. I just don't know how to feel. If he is guilty of this, I can't condone it. I can't have sympathy for him. Because that would be wrong. But I can only pity him at the same time.
But onto lighter things. I'm finally writing more on here, so yeah, no more disapearing!!! LOL. I don't really know what else to type, so I'll just send out some love to you all! So here it goes;
**********BIG HUG, BIG HUGS, BIG HUGS************
just in case any of you were worried about me. Alright-y. I'm gonna jet, so as I ALWAYS say......Later! ^_^v~don't ya love it?
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Sunday, June 3, 2007
gwinggirl's myspace
hey guys, I'm on myspace alot, also so visit my space and add me okay? IF you guys have one....
and here is a funny picture of me! I messed up my hair on purpose and took this pic as a joke. What do ya think?

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Wednesday, May 23, 2007
HeLLo JuSt DrOpPing bY......
Hey y'all! How's it going? Well I'm trying to enjoy the first 3 days of my summer vacation, but things are just so boring. I feel very awkward because it's been a long school year and I guess that I'm just feeling the effects of my entire senior year. WHOA....I think that I may have issues! XD
Anyways, can you believe that I STILL have not finished my AMVs yet? That's just hilarious! I guess that I had too much BUSY TIME on my hands. ( Oh....and not having the right programs on my computer to do so >_<) But other than that, I've been trying to see if I could make things much more interesting here. I'm working on my story, so I'm putting my thinking cap on. I will be sure to post it up if any of you are interested in reading it.
I thinking about changing my layout again, but I love this theme....Yeah, I'll leave it alone for awhile. Laters! ^_^v
♥ Gwinggirl100
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