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myOtaku.com: gwinggirl100

Monday, March 6, 2006

   Good Morning!
I'm really happy today, because I finished cleaning my living Room, so much work *phew*. Well tonight is MONDAY NIGHT "RAW"! To those of you who don't know what that is, it's a wrestling show that comes on every monday night on the usa network. It's a very cool show. I haven't watched wrestling since the early 90's. * such a long time...whew*. Shawn Micheals, a well known wrestle, was forced to kiss Mr. mcmahon's ass. Mcmahon has this club called " The kiss my ass club" Can you believe that
?! Shawn Micheals was was knocked unconcious, and mr. Mcmahon's son shane, took him and puckered his lips and put his face on Mr. Mcmahon's butt. EWWW! Now he must confront the humiliation tonight. Poor Man. Okay, I know wrestling is fake, that's the reason that the name WWF ( world wrestling Federation) was changed to WWE ( world wrestling entertainment). Go figure, huh? LOL. Well i'm not doing much right now. Faith is on my lap again. FAITH SAYS : "HI!" *baby waves at you all* LOL. She does these weird grunts that are so cute! She's a little fat though...but not "FAT". You know what i mean? She's a chunky baby. LOL Anyway, I'm gonna leave you all with some pictures. Oh, and i am still planning the next page of ny story out so i'll post it tomorrow.

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I hope you guys like these, I did!

Later! ^_^v Image hosting by Photobucket

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