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I got a 4.0 at the end of Freshmen year.
Anime Fan Since
...i watched Mega Man at five
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Naruto, X/1999, Inuyasha, CCS, Tsubasa, and Yuugiou! (not the dub)
Learn Japanese, and get better at drawing
Anime, manga, drawing, learning Jap
...I know a little bit of japanese
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
Sunday, July 31, 2005

Zutto & Kaiyuku
eh, well, i'm tired, and lazy, and i'm wating to watch Detective Conan.
well she's that and i want to sleep kind of... i had Rakuda and Zutto over yesterday and well....we never got to sleep until the other left...happens everytime too...
yeah, alright, later!
~Zutto & Kaiyuku-Kun~
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Saturday, July 30, 2005

Legato Bluesummers, the top Gung Ho Gun. Knives' right hand man, who's arm was replaced by vash's old one, is a suicidal maniac that is obsessively loyal to knives, and even dies for the sake of pleasing his master, Knives. he is a glutton, and really loves food! he is a suicidal dude, that kills all at a whim!
btw, Legato Bluesummers is from an anime called Trigun, which is also the creator of Gungrave, Yasuhiro Nightgow!
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Friday, July 22, 2005

Alright other then the fact we have a new theme nothing has been going on so i'm done...heres a profile on our buddy in the bg.

Beyond The Grave
Only a man who has had something truly precious ripped away from him, for reason he can’t understand, by someone he trusted, would become something Beyond The Grave.
Brandon heat: once a man with only three things in his life. The colthes on his back, the friends at his side, and Maria, the woman in his heart. After an incident that shook that world, he followed the lead of his good friend, Harry MacDowel, in becoming a member of Millennion. A crime syndicate that had its hands in everything that happen in the city. The combination of Harry’s ambition and a Failed assignation attempt on the Millennion boss, Big Daddy? (Who adopted Maria in to his family) by Brandon. Moved them to the high levels of the Millennion Group. Making Harry the Boss of a small group, and Brandon one of the top sweepers under the guidance of Bear Walker. A top member of Big Daddy’s inner circle and the head of the tactical force, making them members of Big Daddy’s family.
Brandon closeness to Big Daddy, and his love for Maria and Harry, and the fact saw the Millennion Group as a family were the reason why he would give his life to protect them. This also made his skills as a sweeper almost inhuman.
Harry only saw opportunities and stepping stones to become the next boss. He would do anything to get there. He would degrade himself, he would make allegiances with enemies he would gamble with his own life. He would even kill a dear friend if he got in his way.
It was that ambition that produced Grave. The embodiment of retribution of a man who has lost too much. With the looks of a pallbearer and the mannerisms of the grim reaper, Grave is apparently the proto type experiment of Dr T, a scientist that worked for Millennion, Nero Rise Program. Not having all his memories and only acting on instinct, Graves has become an instrument of vengeance that aims to bring down the new Millennion Group. Armed with Two twin, high caliber, custom designed hand guns, Cerberus, and a similar custom designed coffin packed with weapons of various Caliber, he will not stop until he faces Harry MacDowel (A.K.A Bloody Harry) once more.
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Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Character Description: Satoshi Hiwatari Top of Page
Satoshi Hiwatari is a really smart teenager who graduated from Lagoon University at the age of 13. What is kind of odd is Satoshi likes Daisuke, but Satorshi turns into Krad. You see, the Hikari family turns into Krad when they think of the person they like, and Satoshi likes Daisuke so when he thinks of Daisuke he turns into Krad. It is just like the Niwa family, except Krad turns back when he is forced to Satoshi.
Satoshi dislikes Krad in the both the manga and anime because Krad is after Daisuke. Satoshi wants to destroy himself to get rid of the Hikari curse. Hikari doesn't try to kill himself until the end of the anime. Satoshi goes through a lot of pain.
Satoshi's last name used to be Hikari, but was changed when he was adopted by a man whose last name was Hiwatari.
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Thursday, July 14, 2005

Konnichiwa!! Kaiyuku-kun here...i have a profile toda yso yah...have fun with it. ^^
Character Profile: Shinomori Aoshi
Fields: USA Info-- Japanese Info Image
Name: Shinomori Aoshi-- Shinomori Aoshi
Alias: Leader --Okashira
Race: Human --Human
Gender: Male-- Male
Age: 26 years --26 years
Hair: Black --Black
Eyes: Blue --Blue
Height: About 6'2" --189 cm
Weight: About 159 lbs-- 72 kg
Status: Leader of the Oniwaban Group --Leader of the Oniwabanshuu
Voice: Terrence Stone-- Yasuhara Yoshito
Character Description: Shinomori Aoshi
Shinomori Aoshi is cool, calm, cold, handsome, and expressionless. Behind his usual cool exterior hides his soft side, as he cares a lot for the Oniwabanshuu. He even risks his life to prove that the Oniwabanshuu is the greatest fighting force.
After the Bakumatsu, Aoshi was offered many high-ranking jobs, but he rejected all of them and chose to stay with the Oniwabanshuu because of his committment to the other Oniwabanshuu members.
Thank you AbsoluteAnime. com for the profile ^^
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Monday, July 11, 2005

Herete! yeah this is Zutto, and i will be updating since no one else wants to <<.....>>...-_- well, i have a profile for Sha Gojyo from Saiyuki! well, since there was no requests...^^
Sha Gojyo is a half breed, half-human and half-demon, so he doesn't need a power limiter. His weapons is a Jakujou (a staff with a cresent moon blade attached with a chain). Gojyo is a ladies man, but is very picky about his women. He is best friends with Hakkai, smokes like a chimney, and gambles (he wins all the time). It may not seem like it, but he is the big brother type. He also bickers with Goku a lot.
In his former life, Gojyo was known as Kenren Taisho. He was a marshal in Heaven's army. His closest friends in Heaven were Tenpou (Hakkai), Konzen (Sanzo), and Goku but they were all expelled from heaven. Goku was trapped in the cave Sanzo found him in, and Kenren, Konzen, and Tenpou were reborn as mortals. None have any memories of their past lives.
i was going to update about the Freewebs site but this is much better...i think we really need about three more people and some advertising(sp?) so the button on your sites and talk about us!! we need more people!! ^^;; not to sound desprate...^^;;
ja ne
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Friday, July 8, 2005
Three Members are updating!!! ^^ weee!!!!

Konnichiwa!!! ^^ Kaiyuku here...well we're still in need of three more people to jion and we'll be waiting! but for now our new member is Zutto-kun from the site Heruchigu! ^^ yay!
konnichiwa ^^ this be RakuDa typing...well, this site has been going along quite well ^_^ Kaiyuku and i have been working on it for a total of...24 hours. The CSS is currently under construction and is looking wikkid awesome! There will be a notice when the CSS is finished ^^ I'll be going now, Zutto will now be taking over the keyboard! Ja Ne
--The One And Only--
Konnichiwa! i'm a new member now so i make the fourth member. counting the founders. second not counting them. so yah. i'm just going to go now.
(S-Class Member)
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Thursday, July 7, 2005
Important Notice!! Please read!!!

Kaiyuku here! ^^ well so far we've gotten three people running this site that includes me! ^^ we have RakuDa-Co-founder and
Sango18-member! ^^ yay!
so we need at least three or four moe people then that'll be who runs the site! Now i shoudl start listing a few rules and what the plans are for this site huh?
Main Plan
ok just about all there is to this site is..we take requests on a "bad guy" or "good guy" whe is a little crazy ir something like that and we try and dig up info on that guy. Or if there are no requests we talk about whatever.
OK this is the tricky part. What it is, is after the person updates. (we'll come up with a set day for each) another can modify the post and under the orginal person can add in what they will example:
Konnichiwa menna!! ^^ I've been working on making a freewebs CSS for the site and at the momment have a crappy makeshift site ^^ This Link takes you there. So yah...i'll talk to you later!
Ja ne
~Kaiyuku-kun~ (Founder)
Konnichiwa!! ^^ RakuDa here, justadding onto Kaiyuku's post. Well i've been helping her out all day with the making of the Freewebs site ^^. right now were collecting pictures and avatars for the site. so if you guys know where to find some that would be a big help!
NOTE: the exampe was only in italic to show you the example. it does not need to be in Italics.
thats about what a post would look like if you wanted to add onto it. so all you need to do and know is a bit of HTML...i'll show you all how to up up this post baox here and change the picture off to the side if you don't know how.
1: If you miss your update day you will be warned. You get two warnings then you are taken off the site and a new opening will open.
2: If you know you are going to miss your update day then send a PM to the person who has the next day and they will take over then it'll keep going from there.
3: please milid cuss words people.
4: If you are relieved of being part of this is then wait about a month and then we may concider letting you jion again
Ok so i'll talk to you all later!
Ja ne and Arigatou for reading
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Wednesday, July 6, 2005
Konnichiwa!! ^^

Konnichiwa!! ^^ This is a site that I hope to have a lot of people helping me run. ^^ This is all about the characters from games and anime that we think could kill an entire contry and not care if it was someone they loved or not. Characters that fall into that catagory that i can think of right now are
Uchiha Itachi
Uchiha Sasuke (kinda)
and those are the one's off the top of my head right now ^^ so yah. If you can think of others go ahead and list them in a comment, and PM me if you want to help out with this site. ^^
Ja Ne
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