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myOtaku.com: Hahligirl56

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Boredom sure does kill you

The Newstablet 7 is out! I'm so happy! :D
Better yet, it even LOOKS fantastic; the style is really new to what I'm used to! :P

Well, here's a link in case you're interested (and my part is in here too...)


Anyway, I wanted to put up the full version of Naruto episodes 26 (and 27, in the Japanese version), but when I looked on the Japanese version of Naruto on YouTube, I couldn't find the intro I liked (those little...>< *beats up YouTube) So, I've finally decided what I want to do: I'll type the beginning up here, since I enjoyed it so much, and leave the rest to YouTube. And also, I want to compare mainly episode 26, in English and Japanese, so expect a double.

*Sigh* Well, here I go...

(Beginning shows Konoha; Naruto's face blocks the view)

Naruto: "Hey, hey, hey, hey!" (Naruto backs up to reveal that there is actually a large-screen TV, covering up the entire screen, of your computer, in this case :P) "It's here, it's here, it's finally here! We're on during the "Golden Time!" (a Japanese version of Daylight Saving Time) "--Starting today, Naruto will be airing every Wednesday at 7:27 PM."

(Konohamaru poofs in)

Konohamaru: (tugging Naruto's sleeves) "Leader...Leader..."

Naruto: "Those who watched Naruto weekly and those who are watching for the first time, enjoy the show. All right, let's start the new opening song, 'Haruka Kanata'."

Konohamaru: "LISTEN TO ME, LEADER!!!"

Naruto: "What do you want, Konohamaru? I was on a roll."

Konohamaru: (whispering Naruto's ear) "It's still 7 PM right now."

Naruto: (jerks up) "What?"

Konohamaru: "We're 27 minutes early. Prince of Tennis is supposed to be on right now."

Naruto: (running back and forth in a panic) "Wha...wha...what? What should we do? What should we do? I already gave an introduction!"

Konohamaru: "I'm not getting in trouble with you." (Konohamaru poofs away)

(Kakashi peeks in)

Naruto: "I DON'T CARE ANYMORE!!! We;re going to start NARUTO!" (poofs away)

(Kakashi turns to Sasuke and Sakura)

Kakashi: "Hey, Sakura, Sasuke. Naruto began the show on his own. Are you two ready?"

Sakura: (waves hand onto screen) "No, not yet. I'm not done with my packs yet."

Kakashi: "Where's the tape for the show?"

Sasuke: (sitting on a rolling chair, goes into view) "It's not here yet."

Kakashi: "Fine, I'll just dance or something. I mean, I'll go get the tape. While I'm gone, keep the show running."

Sakura: "WHAT?!"

Kakashi: "I'm counting on you. This is a mission."

Sasuke: (turns around) "Hm. A mission, eh? Fine."

Naruto: (pops into view) "Yeah! All right, let's do it!"


Naruto: (weakly) "Ouch...ouch...ouch."

Sasuke: "Hm."

Kakashi: "Go! Go!"

As for what happened in school today, nothing much, besides the fact that I made A's on all my progress reports, most of them high A's.

Nothing else.

Japanese version here...

English version here...


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