Birthday 1993-01-19 Gender
Female Location Metru Nui. (Just kidding) Member Since 2007-02-16 Occupation Student, Bionicle fan, Naruto fan Real Name Alta. Yeah, like I'd give you my name.
Achievements I dunno. Anime Fan Since 2006. Yeah, not for very long. Favorite Anime Naruto, Kingdom Hearts, Avatar: The Last Airbender, Blood+, Romeo x Juliet, Death Note, Final Fantasy, .hack//SIGN and Azumanga Daioh! Goals Become the ultimate Bionicle fan? Win Kakashi's heart? I dunno. Hobbies Reading, playing with my adorable puppies, playing video games, watching TV, playing on computer Talents I dunno. Hahligirl56
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
*Types away*
Well, I don't have a lot of time to be on today, because I want to work on my project.
In Art, I finished my cocon--erm...pot! :P
In Tennis, Me and Kirby just chatted with each other, since today was Picture Day.
I loathe Picture Day. -_-
In Science, we watched (yet again) a Bill Nye the Sciece Guy video. :D
In Pre-Algebra, we discussed different shapes (ie-Pentagon, decagon, hexagon, etc.)
In English we went over our homework and we have a test tommorow...
In Computer Lit. (after we did pictures) we did Tech Connect or Mavis Beacon (typing programs)
In American History, I finished my Ch. 10 Review, so I'm ahead of the others, and I found out I'm making a 101 for my report card! XD
Kogatana (my brother) did drew two comics fo me (he made this series just for me called Kakashi Chronicles, and it's a really funny series...even if he does spell a lot of things wrong)
One was based off of the end of Pirates of the Carribean: The Curse of the Black Pearl, and another was based on a joke he heard:
Kakashi (dressed as Capatin Jack Sparrow): (to Commodore) "I was rooting for you the whole time, mate." (turns to Elizabeth) " would have never worked out between us." (to Will) "Will...nice hat...
Friends! You will remember this day as the day you almost caught--"
(falls off)
Elizabeth: "Jack?"
Will: "I knew it; he was a fake!"
And also:
Naruto: "Hey sensei, I have a question for you!"
Kakashi: "Shoot."
Naruto: "Pete and RePete were in their boat. Pete fell off of the boat. Who is in the boat now?"
Kakashi: "RePete."
Naruto: "Pete and RePete were in their boat. Pete fell off of the boat. Who is in the boat now?"
Kakashi: "RePete!"
Naruto: "Pete and RePete were in their boat. Pete fell off of the boat. Who is in the boat now?"
Kakashi: "REPETE!!! ...Oh."
So, here are the vids...enjoy! I sure did:
GASP! Zabuza, PLEASE put your mask back on, you annoying dunce! -_-
Naruto: "Kakashi! Kakashi! Hokage says that every time a snow's after an ex-water ninja elite dies means an angel gets it wings!"
Kakashi: "'re an idiot."
That just makes me think of It's a Wonderful Life. :D
I want that milk carton! Then the whole book of Make-out Paradise will be read to me! XD
He's one of my Top 5 Naruto characters, after all. :D