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Metru Nui. (Just kidding)
Member Since
Student, Bionicle fan, Naruto fan
Real Name
Alta. Yeah, like I'd give you my name.
I dunno.
Anime Fan Since
2006. Yeah, not for very long.
Favorite Anime
Naruto, Kingdom Hearts, Avatar: The Last Airbender, Blood+, Romeo x Juliet, Death Note, Final Fantasy, .hack//SIGN and Azumanga Daioh!
Become the ultimate Bionicle fan? Win Kakashi's heart? I dunno.
Reading, playing with my adorable puppies, playing video games, watching TV, playing on computer
I dunno.
Thursday, April 19, 2007
One more day, and then it's back to the porkhouse! XD
Today we (eighth graders) completed the Science part of the TAKS test. It was kinda hard, but like all my tests, I took my time, worked and thought my problems out, and checked back over my answers. So they can't say I didn't do my best, because I DID do my best! ><
I had a horrible night last night...I went to bed around 11:00PM, which is REALLY late, when you're fixing to take a big test; and my mouth was still terribly sore from te orthodontist appointment. <_<
It was so bad, I had to eat cream of wheat (don't get me wrong; I like cream of wheat, but I just hate those little bumps if the food's too...thick. I hate that. >< So, after like, six spoonfuls, I dismissed breakfast. I complained to my mom, and she gave me a flavorless pill of medicine, although I suffered a small stomach ache and felt really, REALLy hot, as a possible side effect. So, I just didn't have enough breakfast. But, hey, during the TAKS test, we got to eat pretzals today. Sure, I had to chew them in small, gentle bites, otherwise my teeth would hurt again...but soon after an hour, they were all gone. ;_;
Tommorow is the Social Studies section of the test, but I'm pretty sure I'll do just fine. Social Studies comes naturally to me and is my favorite subject. ^_^
After the Science test, we went to 3rd period (where I was testing, by the way), and we continued on to where we stopped on Happy Feet.
The Science teacher next to mine let her class watch Pirates of the Carribean II: Dead Man's Chest. I felt a little jealous but...Happy Feet IS funny. :P
Besides, I have both the first and second movies now. :D
We had fuuuuuun. :D
In Pre-Algebra we worked on *gasp!* Could it be? That's right: Social Studies. O_O
I got several questions right. :3
Afterwards, we got to play on the computer (I went on Wikipedia)
in English, we worked on a paper on fragements. After I finished that, I was reading my book; The Christmas Shoes. It's a lovely book, and there are two sequals to it; which I have and read all. XD
My English teacher said it'sa good book, and I told her that I liked it and that I had the other two books.
In Computer Lit. we did measurements with cars and studied the law of motion, doing the experiment.
In American History, we worked on our Guided Readings. I'm almost finished, and my History teacher said it's not homework. :3
*Sigh* My teachers are the best. High school is sounding scarier every second. Did you know that high school might begin at 7:55AM instead of 8:00 and end at 3:35 AM?! ><
I hate the school board! They better NOT pass that proposal! <_<
But, they said they may cancel the TAKS test in high school! Or maybe it was some grades in high school...Oh well.
I hope they do...

This is a remarkable picture...^_^
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