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Metru Nui. (Just kidding)
Member Since
Student, Bionicle fan, Naruto fan
Real Name
Alta. Yeah, like I'd give you my name.
I dunno.
Anime Fan Since
2006. Yeah, not for very long.
Favorite Anime
Naruto, Kingdom Hearts, Avatar: The Last Airbender, Blood+, Romeo x Juliet, Death Note, Final Fantasy, .hack//SIGN and Azumanga Daioh!
Become the ultimate Bionicle fan? Win Kakashi's heart? I dunno.
Reading, playing with my adorable puppies, playing video games, watching TV, playing on computer
I dunno.
Friday, April 20, 2007
We have no more TAKS test! We have no more TAKS test! Yeah! XD
Yes, we finished the fourth and final test of this year's TAKS test in Social Studies. As I thought, it was pretty easy, and I'm sure I did okay.
After that, in Science, we watched more of Happy Feet.
In Pre-Algebra, check this out, we played with the clickers...trivia. Not math; trivia. You know, movies, Olympic champions, actors, etc.
LOL. There was a funny question: "When President Bush said he didn't like broccoli, what happened?" It turns out that COngress or some people sent 10 tons of broccoli to the White House. XD
Heh. I wonder if Mr. Bush was amused or not...
In Homeroom, we watched Charlotte's Web. Two days before, my dad had taken my brother and I to the mall after our orthodontist appointment. We went to SEARS, and we went to the second floor. Amazingly, I found that Cinderella 3 was playing, and I watched the beginning of it, for the sake of my curiousity and wit nothing else to do. After a while, I left to look at the flat-screen TVs, and then I heard this almost folk country sounded pretty and attracitve to me, so I listened to it. It kept on repeating and repeating and so on.
A few moments later, I discovered that the music was from Charlotte's Web,a dn it was on Menu on the DVD. :P
Still, I liked it.
In English, we watched The Call of the Wild that was taped by someone else (not our English teacher, it turned out)
In Computer Lit. I typed. I raised my words per minute to 56 words per minute! XD
Just two more words to reach that goal of 58!
In American History, we worked on a map.
I read the newest Naruto chapter and the newest episode.
Anyway, I've been feeling a bit, er, irritated that they haven't animated Kakashi Gaiden yet.
In episode 82/3? of the first Naruto anime series, how are people supposed to know who Obito is if they never read the manga? Worse yet, they may not even have Internet access! How on earth could you blame them for that! O_O
Eventually, they'll have to animate Kakashi Gaiden! They just have to! If they don't, well, how will the entire Naruto story get out?! What if some Naruto fans here in North America and other places don't understand the entire story?! O_O
If the series catches up to the mang, like it did with the first series, then maybe they'll be able to show it! ^_^
Of course, with chances like may take a while. ><
People are so mean...
I hope they DO animate it...
They better, or I'll have blood-lust...DX

I am SO running out of pictures! ><
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