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myOtaku.com: Hahligirl56

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Well, today is...pretty and pretty boring. O_O
I just feel sluggish today.

But, I finally created a new Freewebs site, so I'll be working on that a bit. It's going to have Bionicle, Naruto, and whatever else I can think up! XD

So, anyway, I played with Lucy today a bit. SHE IS SO ADORABLE! :3
Her big, brown eyes that just beg all the time, her light yellow coat...her soft fur! :3

Yup, I'm a dog/wolf lover. :3
And a Kakashi fanatic. ^_^

Speaking of Kakashi...

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Well, that's all I could think of. Sorry if this post was boring...<_<

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