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Metru Nui. (Just kidding)
Member Since
Student, Bionicle fan, Naruto fan
Real Name
Alta. Yeah, like I'd give you my name.
I dunno.
Anime Fan Since
2006. Yeah, not for very long.
Favorite Anime
Naruto, Kingdom Hearts, Avatar: The Last Airbender, Blood+, Romeo x Juliet, Death Note, Final Fantasy, .hack//SIGN and Azumanga Daioh!
Become the ultimate Bionicle fan? Win Kakashi's heart? I dunno.
Reading, playing with my adorable puppies, playing video games, watching TV, playing on computer
I dunno.
Monday, April 23, 2007
Who wants to 'rock the house'? I seriously don't...
I got 101 hits. :P
Yeah, sorry for posting kinda late; I had homework and Academy business/PMs to take care of.
Today was...pretty good, I guess.
In Art, I...didn't do anything. I tried to draw a young Kakashi, directly after Kakashi Gaiden, and I have yet to finish it...
'sides, I think my drawing skills suck. <_<
Aw, well, I'll see If I can show it on here tommorow for your opnions...if I can. ><
In Tennis, we had a free day. Kirby and I played Anything Goes, and I have no idea what Naruto character I was today. :P
In Science, to honor Earth Day, we watched a Discovery Channel based on solar disasters. It was TV 14, but it didn't seem THAT scary. No blood or cuss words...but it did seem realistic. As they said, it WILL happen. O_O Pre-Algebra, mrs. houle was mad today, because someone broke the pen for the drawing board for her computer. OOOooooooh. O_O
So, we got seating arrangements, until the verdict is drawn. At first, I thought I was supposed to sit at the back of the row, but she moved me up because she knew I didn't like sitting in the back row (thank goodness! *phew*)
Anyway, we talked about trig.
In homeroom, I gave my dollar for the Dodgeball tournament. XD
In English, we had a Vocab. test (I made a 100) and then we worked on Words to Own
In Computer Lit. (get this) I finally reached my goal of 58 words per minute! ^0^
Yeah, when I printed out my certificate sheet, my teacher said:
"Wow! 58 words per mintue; your hands must be on fire."
Me~ "Oh, yeah, they're REALLY tired!" :D
Anyway, my goal is now 65 words.
In American History, we really didn't get to do muh because of the tournament, but we got our reviews and were trying to finish up our maps.
The Dodgeball tournament was funny; I didn't get to participate, but it was funny! Mr. Shade kept on making all these 'funky' dance moves! XD
Also, inbetween dodgeball challenges, we had the oppertunity to go on up, called or not, and dance to some music. I didn't, though, I prefered just watching.
And I saw my brother. :3
Anyway, the ride home on the bus was...annoying.
I was forced to sit in the back of the bus, because all the seats in the front were taken my little kids (curse you...<_<)
So, I'm sitting in the back, and then this stupid boy in the 6th or 7th grade comes up and sits next to me, and I dislike him. He's loud, and he takes the name of the Lord in vain without even caring, oh, and did I mention he's loud?
Well, that was helped by the fact that these two girls who were friends with him sat in front of me, and tried to engage me to conversation. They started saying I was their 'best friend' in an untruthful manner; I knew they were kidding, and they continued throwing candy wrappers at me, and saying, 'Oh! You hit my best friend!' <_<
In the meantime, I was trying my best to ignore them, and trying not to say anything; only when they asked my name.
And then one of the girls 'accidentally' spit on my sweater and lunch box and got her sticky piece of candy on my sweater.
Again, I didn't react. Just staring at the window, trying to mind my own business...
What are the younger generations coming to?
When I got home, I told my dad all about it, and he told me not to call them stupid, and that it's their choice to choose sin and to act as they do.
I then said that they should have AT LEAST a little bit of common sense.
And a few days ago, I'm pretty sure I heard a couple of six or seven-year olds cussing.
It's official: Our world is crumbling apart, and too many people are either unaware of it, or aren't doing anything about it.
Well, on a happier note, I'm having a great time on BZPower, my new site, myotaku, and Kakashi. :P
*snuggles up with Kakashi toy*
BTW, do you think I'm too obsessed over him? I mean...sure I'm a fangirl and all, but am I over reacting with this? O_O
And I always get his results, on personality quizzes for Naruto...
(It's just that I never really 'loved' fictional character before, and this is a first time, and possibly the only time...)
I dunno.

I've always thought that this kind of thing was sweet. :3
It reminds me of Takua and Jaller from Bionicle: Mask of Light.
'Course, the serious guy (Jaller) dies, not the fun guy (Takua). Weird. :3
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