Birthday 1993-01-19 Gender
Female Location Metru Nui. (Just kidding) Member Since 2007-02-16 Occupation Student, Bionicle fan, Naruto fan Real Name Alta. Yeah, like I'd give you my name.
Achievements I dunno. Anime Fan Since 2006. Yeah, not for very long. Favorite Anime Naruto, Kingdom Hearts, Avatar: The Last Airbender, Blood+, Romeo x Juliet, Death Note, Final Fantasy, .hack//SIGN and Azumanga Daioh! Goals Become the ultimate Bionicle fan? Win Kakashi's heart? I dunno. Hobbies Reading, playing with my adorable puppies, playing video games, watching TV, playing on computer Talents I dunno. Hahligirl56
Sunday, May 6, 2007
Punch, kick, elade: The basics of Taijutsu...NOT! XD
For some reason, even though I went to bed around 11:00 at night, I woke up at 4:30 in the morning. I stayed awake until around 5:45 and then went back to bed...I was so sleepy when my mom woke me up. She said that she heard someone get a cup of water and walking around the house.
Oops. ^_^;
At church, all the girls were raving about the movies. To be honest, I'm not all that excited about Spiderman seems a bit too dark for my taste.
Pirates of the Carribean 3 is something else, though! XD
And Shrek 3...I'd like to see that.
Our pastor talked to us about the dangers of alcohol. He also showed us a clip of him helping his nearly one-year old grandaughter walking her first steps...
It was so adorable! =3
But, yeah, I'm never going to drink alcohol. I tasted just a little drop, and it tasted bitter to me; and once I have a little bit of something and don't like it (like sodas) I never want to try them again. ><
We got Lucy a new chew toy, that was showed on a Petsmart. It sqeaks, and Lucy loves it. :D
Anyway, watching the third movie yesterday was quite something...
When they completely upload the parts, I'd like to put it on my site as well. It's worth it, right?
I seriously don't know which is my favorite Naruto movie now! ^_^
The third movie was touching, as was the third one, and both stories were amazing...
Don't I just wish sometimes that we lived in a Naruto world?
Oh well. This is the world God created for us, so I'll have to learn to deal with it...