Birthday 1993-01-19 Gender
Female Location Metru Nui. (Just kidding) Member Since 2007-02-16 Occupation Student, Bionicle fan, Naruto fan Real Name Alta. Yeah, like I'd give you my name.
Achievements I dunno. Anime Fan Since 2006. Yeah, not for very long. Favorite Anime Naruto, Kingdom Hearts, Avatar: The Last Airbender, Blood+, Romeo x Juliet, Death Note, Final Fantasy, .hack//SIGN and Azumanga Daioh! Goals Become the ultimate Bionicle fan? Win Kakashi's heart? I dunno. Hobbies Reading, playing with my adorable puppies, playing video games, watching TV, playing on computer Talents I dunno. Hahligirl56
Monday, May 7, 2007
Well, today we went to the ropes course. And now, I'm tired...
We did many fun activities, which usually involved teamwork and cooperation. My favorite activity was when we had to get ourselves through a web without touching the parts of the web; harder than it looks, but still fun.
Lunch, I couldn't eat my pudding because I didn't have a plastic spoon (I knew I should have gotten one right before we left), and I had to eat my mangurines by hand (they felt so...soft. O_O)
I was able to share lunch with Kirby, though.
The ropes course was quite something: Scary, yet the experience was amazing. I was the last one in our group to go; I know what they tell you: You're safe, you won't get hurt. Yet, when you DO get up there, you DO feel as though you have no support and feel as though you'll fall. It was the first type of any climbing experince I ever had, other than climbing over fences and climbing trees, which is why it was quite easy to get up in the first place. When you get up, though, the assurance disappears, and you're left with fear. Walking across the shaking bridge was the hardest part; that last long step threw me off completely: I fell. What I'm most afraid about falling from heights is either I'll land on my feet and feel that rising burning pain in your ankle and feet; or you fall flat on your back and you feel every bone in you body break. Good thing we had tight ropes, though, otherwise I could have done one or the other. ^_^
The second time was better; I made it that time. So scary, yet, so exciting. When I told my parents, they weren't scared; thank Heaven. ^_^
Anyway, I didn't have any schoolwork that day, but I feel as though I should get my review done for History since we have a test tommorow; that way I'll have more time to study when my teacher gives us an extra 10-15 mintues to study. ^_^
After school, some of the kids were playing a rather rough game with a giant, heavy ball; I had no interest, so I sat on the bleachers and daydreamed a bit.
Kogatana told me that he was forced to play the same game today, and he got seriously hurt...
Glad I didn't play after all. ^_^
Eh, anyway, besides that, I got nothing really. I think I'll be taking some time later today to take a look at Naruto! ^_^
Don't view the following video unless you're dying with curiousity, love spoilers, or completed the game of Kingdom Hearts II.
Sorry, but this almost made me cry...;_;