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myOtaku.com: Hahligirl56

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Ro ho ho, and a bottle of yum!
Well, it's official: My brother and I are going to camp this year for the first time in our lives! ^_^
It's a Christian cmap from our church, and we're going to a location near Dallas, and from what the brochure said, there will be lots of food, fun, and activities (they're even going to have a converted Muslim to come speak with us on how he found Christ, and a Christian comedian from California). ^_^

This being yet another first time in something, I have no idea what to expect; lots of camps are different. ^_^

Anyway, I'm giving up on trying to see the Naruto movie in theaters this June. Reason is that I searched for what selected theaters could be around my area that they would be showing it...turns out that the cloest theaters would either be in Arlington or Austin, for someone who lives in my area. And I just KNOW my parents won't drive all the way to Arlington or Austin to see some 'stupid Japanese cartoon,' (that's what they call 'em).


Unless a miracle happened, I guess I'll have to wait until September to get the DVD (and who knows how I'm going to get THAT?!). But, the DVD is alwas the best; they have commentaries and you can watch whatever part you want whenever you want. :3
And music videos, possibly, along with bonuses/Easter eggs.

And now for a Team 8/Hinata pictures! ^_^

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Nice, huh? ^_^

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Cute, no? ^_^

And now, the Naruto Konoha Sports Festival! ^0^


Heh heh...I had no idea Naruto (or at least Naruto's voice actress) sang a song at the end of this until just yesterday, when I saw this particular one, and I liked the way he (Naruto)/she (voice actress) sang, so I kept on rewinding up back to his song for about three times straight. ^_^

The weirdest things can get people. :P

I guess that's all for today. Have a great summer, and remember the brave soldiers who gave their lives for your country! They deserve the respect...like Arashi, Sarutobi, Obito, Hayate, and all those other wonderful (yet dead) ninja. ^_^

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