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myOtaku.com: Hahligirl56

Sunday, June 3, 2007

Late again; a new record!
Yeah, sorry for posting so late, but I had a busy afternoon...

I didn't sleep very well last night, and I was really sleepy when my mom and dad urged us to watch the sermon on the television that my parents (and myself) like watching every week. Too bad I keep on forgeting the name of the show and the pastor, but he's really good. ^_^;

The last week or two, he's been preaching about David (my absolute favorite Bible character in the Old Testament) and today he talked about his relationship with Johnathan and about friendship...

Then he told a story based on friendship about a boy named Chris. While Chris, a freshman, was walking home from school one day, he saw a nerdy-looking kid carrying a whole bunch of text-books under his arms. Some bullies came and knocked the kid down, and down fell his books and glasses. Chris couldn't ignore the sadness in the boy's face, and came to his aid; helping him gather his books and retrieve his glasses. He then introduced himself and learned that the boy's name was Kyle. He also discovered that Kyle lived only down the street from him. Chris asked Kyle if he could come over to his house and if he wanted to play football with him. Kyle said that he wasn't very good at the game, but Chris admitted that they weren't all that good, and that they'd have a great time. With a smile, Kyle joined Chris in his walk back to his house...

At the end of the school year, Kyle stood up to make a speech about the importance of friendship, and related how special Chris was to him. What he also revealed, that even Chris did not know, is that the day they met, Kyle was planning to commit suicide. He had become so lonely and thought no one would ever befriend him, that he no longer could take the agony of it. The reason why he was carrying the books home that day was to not burden his mother with the task of taking his books when she discovered her body. He looked down at the audiance to Chris and said that Chris had saved his life. There were gasps and murmers throughout the crowd. Chris then truly realized how powerful friendship could actually be...

Cool story, huh? And I was half-awake, half-asleep when I heard this, and I'm able to relate. XD

Chris, our music director at church, substitued for our pastor, since he was on a vacation. I haven't seen Chris preach too many times, but today was definatly enjoyable and fun, and not boring! ^_^

Late today, my dad, Kogatana, and I went to ou local water park, and we had a blast! ^_^
And I saw AJ from school! :P

Meeting your fellow classmates is always funny...

Sorry this is rushed up here at the end, but there's a storm coming. Bye for today! ^_^

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