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Metru Nui. (Just kidding)
Member Since
Student, Bionicle fan, Naruto fan
Real Name
Alta. Yeah, like I'd give you my name.
I dunno.
Anime Fan Since
2006. Yeah, not for very long.
Favorite Anime
Naruto, Kingdom Hearts, Avatar: The Last Airbender, Blood+, Romeo x Juliet, Death Note, Final Fantasy, .hack//SIGN and Azumanga Daioh!
Become the ultimate Bionicle fan? Win Kakashi's heart? I dunno.
Reading, playing with my adorable puppies, playing video games, watching TV, playing on computer
I dunno.
Monday, August 27, 2007
First day...
Well, I'm here because I want to be here right now (ALL RIGHT!!!). ^_^
Anyways, was the first day of a long year of being a freshman. I woke up at 6:10 AM, made breakfast, brushed my teetch, washed my face, got dressed--or should I just skip all of this already?
Then my brother and I waited out for the bus, which came, and I nervously walked inside the high school building when I was dropped off. Me, shaking with fear, who doesn't know what's going to happen...
Anyways, to make this long story and day shorter, we had freshmam orientations, which were pretty cool, from 8:00 AM to 12:00 AM. My group leaders were great, nice kids with a great sense of humor, active, and go to church. :D
Well, after playing a bunch of games together (me, our two group leaders, and the rest of us) we ate lunch, and got ready to go to our first period classes.
Okay...let me just type a little paragraph for each subject at a time and each teacher...
Desktop Publishing (aka, Journalism) - Yeah, my being with the BS01 newsletter staff has finally given me the courage to put my writing skills to the ultimate test, of joining a news-publishing subject. My teacher seemed very nice and informative, and assured us that everything we would need would be right there. We'll be using such equipment such as computers and cameras, so we have to be very respectful and responsible. I also need, when the times come, to make time to go to special events to get the story on (i.e - plays, games, and whatever). So, yeah, the Desktop Publishing is vital to the Yearbook for our school...or the school newspaper...or both, depending on which period she chooses for each job to be done in. Some will be writers, some will be photographers, and some will be editors. She said that even if we weren't good, we should at least try our best (that's great, because I HATE very demanding teachers).
English - Well, well. This is the first time I'm being taught by a guy in a decent subject. :)
My teacher, again, is also very nice, and his wife is the school counselor (surprise, surprise...). He also doesn't like ahnding out too much homeowork, and tries to limit the amount of work we do (FINALLY! A teacher that understands! :D). And he won't give us textbooks, praise the Lord! :D
All in all, he seems like a really cool guy...even though he lived a small village in Colorado in the mountains, where there was no Wal-Mart or movie theater, for about ten years, but, still, a great guy. :D
Biology - The best thing about biology is that math isn't greatly concerned, if not at all! HURRAH! :D
And since I've always favored life-science above any other science, I'm looking foward to this class! I also plan on becoming a speech therapist when I grow up and graduate, so this is a step, as well as other classes I chose, like the Journalism class! :D
Theatre Arts - Well, I, personally, chose this subject because I was really interested in it. When I told my mom, she agreed (yay!) saying that this could help me improve my speech a bit. Even so, it seems like a pretty exciting class. :D
My teacher is a young lady who is 4-months pregnant (awwwww! :3) and she's bold, when it comes to speech; I hardly see a teacher like her around who uses phrases like 'crap' and whatnot, but it's cool. She seems nice, and I'm pretty sure I'll like her! I also got a preview of the subjects we'd be going over, throughout the year...and it seems pretty exciting! I can hrdly wait to begin, even with the basics. :D
And there's not even any real homework...just bring your binder to class, and you get an 'A' for the day! :D
Algebra 1 - Oooookay. We got our textbook right off the bat. Oo
Is there something wrong with that picture right there? We usually get them on the third day or so...
Oh well. I also covered it when those paper...things...yeah. I did so, for the first time in my life. I did it badly, rest assured, but I think it' good enough to last a few months or so. I also got a good look at that textbook... *gulp*
I really hope my teacher doesn't give me TOO much work. Please, Lord, help me in Algebra!
Tennis - We're not starting Tennis right away for the next few days. I didn't get my athletics packet (I didn't even know WHERE to get them before summer. Oo) and now, I think my mom has to schedule for the doctor to make an appointment for me...I have no idea when we go out to the courts, but I'm hoping not 'till sometime next week. It may be on Monday, but I don't know...since it's Labor Day and all. T_T
Why must Tennis be so cruel sometimes? And I'm not taking any drugs or anything, I swear! None! Clean!
Health Ed - Well, this seems like another almost homework-free room! My teacher, once again, is a very nice young lady, who loves sports (yay! :D) and all she really talked about today is, 'What's mine is yours, as long as your treat it with respect!' and a tour of her room. Very nice. :D
And she seems friendly, too.
World Geography - I swear...I think I've gotten some kind of clone of Mr. Shade or something. O_o
Yes, my teacher is a guy...again. And he's really young, too, only 23, and just married. He has hair kinda like Mr. Shade's except it's a bit spikier...not too spiky, though. And he has a small beard, or whatever. I dunno. :P
Anyways, he's REALLY funny, and he claims that he can't remember names very well ('that's okay, you don't have to know my name,' is what I would have liked to said to him. :P) Like my health teacher, he loves sports. Unlike Mr. Shade, he doesn't know how to play an instrument, and he wishes he could. Mr. Shade could play the guitar, and really well. :D
Anyways, he seems like a kid at heart, and that's good. He made a promise with us that as long as we try our best and behave as well as we can, he won't give us too much homeowrk. Some of the 'geography' is cultural geography, where we will learn about people in different areas, and their history, so I'm really anxious about that. History and Writing are my strong points after all (and I told him I loved writing online. Perhaps one day I should tell him that I also published my very own fanfic online...?)
Well, those are all my classes, and all I have to say about them, so far. It felt like a long day at the end, and I feel a little tired, but I can't wait for the weekends as well, and the Naruto episodes and manga! :D
And the premiere of Naruto: Ninja Clash in the Land of Snow next Saturday! :D
Ooh, can't miss THAT! And I MUST tape it!
The only part I've found myself concerned about in high school is switching classes...our high school is a pretty big building, and since there are three different hallways I'll be going to, plus the tennis courts eventually, and my locker, and add all the kids walking when we're scares me, because I find myself pressuring what I might need for the next periods, and how quickly I should move...five minutes really isn't all that much once you think about it. O_O
But, eventually, I must learn to adjust. And the first week is always the easiest, so I should either start finding short-cuts (even though I scarecly have the time for that) or just move a bit faster, avoiding obstacles.

Tee hee...okay, maybe I AM obsessed about Kakashi, but I wasn't able to think much about Naruto today, only when we were switching classes. And even then, that wasn't very long, so I watched 101 again, which I taped. :P
I hope you guys have a great day...week...year! And I'll see you again when I can! ^_^
Bye-bye! :D
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