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Metru Nui. (Just kidding)
Member Since
Student, Bionicle fan, Naruto fan
Real Name
Alta. Yeah, like I'd give you my name.
I dunno.
Anime Fan Since
2006. Yeah, not for very long.
Favorite Anime
Naruto, Kingdom Hearts, Avatar: The Last Airbender, Blood+, Romeo x Juliet, Death Note, Final Fantasy, .hack//SIGN and Azumanga Daioh!
Become the ultimate Bionicle fan? Win Kakashi's heart? I dunno.
Reading, playing with my adorable puppies, playing video games, watching TV, playing on computer
I dunno.
Monday, October 22, 2007
It was a dark and stormy morning...literally. And windy. And cold. :P
Still, I survived...barely. XD
Just kidding.
Anyways, first off in Desktop Publishing: We were finally assigned our page! We're supposed to work on Rocket Spirit/Pride, meaning, we have to write and take pictures of our pep rallies and all that junk. Fortunetly, I am the layout designer of our group, so I don't have to do an work until everyone else has done their part first. XD
So, I guess I have some free time. Of course, we didn't really do much today, so I mostly daydreamed and talked to one of my partners, another girl. She looks gothic (kind of, but not too much) but she says she's a Christian. Still, I wish people would stop assuming that you have to believe in God and Jesus and that's that. Heck, SATAN believes God exists, and it's our duty as Christians to fight evil. THat's why Kirby and I formed our Anime Crusade, and I'm writing an original story specifically for our club, but let me move on quickly to school first, before I tell you any more...
In English, I got back my vocab. test. I was so certain I had failed that test, yet when I saw the grade, it was a perfect 100, again! :D
I must have been those sentences he let us do...
Then we worked on grammar.
In Biology, we learned about active transport of the cell.
In Theatre Arts, we talked about improvs. and we did some fun games. Man, the dead cow skits were hilarious. I would have gone up myself, but I wasn't completely sure whether or not I knew the game enough (even though I've seen it played out a thousand times on Who's Line Is It Anyways? O_O). I was mostly worried I'd forget my own ideas. Nevertheless, our teacher said we'd partner up and think of our very own improv. of ANYTHING. I've got several ideas I can talk to Ashley about... :)
In Algebra, we worked on something new, and I think I've got the hang of it now.
In Tennis, we sat out, although we went out back and forth at first wondering whether or not we'd be going out to the courts or not. Me, I was freezing. Even Kirby was getting cold, and she RARELY gets cold. O_O
Oh, you cruel, cruel wind... T_T
Anyways, my dad picked me up around the end of the periof for an orthodontist appointment, which was both a bit painful and tiresome. I will say that I will look a LITTLE bit different tommorow. I don't have my braces off yet, but I will look a LITTLE different. Mouth-wise. X)
Guess if you can tommorow, Kirby, we next time you see me speaking. XD
Anyways, after that, we went to Toys R Us, and then Wal-Mart. And then we went home, watched It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown! and then did my homework...yup, thta's pretty much my day today. Except, I was in my half-awake, half-daydreaming mode. I like being in that state, especially on rainy Mondays. They make me sleepy. :)
I had a weird dream that was a weird mix between Fable, Jimmy Neutron, and Zelda. Mostly Fable, because Whisper, one of the game's NP characters came up to either me or the character I was playing as in what seemed to me like the Lost Woods. Except, half of it was with green lava, and there was a great monster near the other side of the forest. Man, that part made me sad, when we (Whisper and my character) got close to the lava, and this great monster came from the lava and immediantly smashed Whisper. The good thing about some of my dreams is that I can control them, and make them go back to the beginning again, so that I can try a different method on how to make the dream better. Don't ask me why or how; my subconcious does it sometimes. It's the same as that vampire/school dream I told Kirby not so long ago. Everyone was screaming when those little monsters came to get them, and closed in on me, that I rewinded my dream back to the beginning to when I was running down the high school halls to warn everyone and my teachers. I did that about, like, three times or so. THEN I finally woke up. O_O imagination gets better every year. XD
Anyways, now for my story. I don't have too much of a plot going on right now, but from what I've planned out SO far, it's a mix between ideas from PowerMark comics (a Christian comic book series, which I have) and the Tresor's Cavern's story Bible, which I have as well. Perhaps next time i post, I will have a more detailed plot. All I know is that there will be a main 'Mission'. Perhaps sub-missions as well, but a main, big 'Mission.' Here are the characters I have planned out so far, and I will be planning to make several more:
Name: Pastor David Inoue
Age: 32
Nationality: Japan
Status: A new pastor in a Yokohama Church/assigned as Leader of the Mission
Hair/Hair color: Black spiked-up hair
Eye color: Shining jet black
Blood Type: O
Personality: Understanding; is soft or hard when needs to be. He immediately likes the children who come to him for the mission.
Bio: Recently married to Kaiya, the new librarian for the church, and appointed as a new pastor, David's first task as a man of faith was immediately tested: To help an international group of children through a mission. Pastor Inoue does not know what the mission is about as of yet, but he knows that whatever the risk, Jesus will protect them.
Name: Ian Saxon
Age: 14
Nationality: American, of Welsh decent
Status: High school freshman student, newspaper boy
Hair/Hair color: Neatly combed light blond hair, which is brushed to his right
Eye color: Light green/grey
Blood type: AB
Personality: Is very balanced; can be quiet one moment, and loud the next. Has a tendency to become emotional at times
Bio: Ian dreams of becoming a doctor one day and helping people, and to finally get his family out of debt. He has an older sister who works at the local drug store, and his parents both work at night. Is wondering what kind of mission will be asked of him...
Name: Joel Lardy
Age: 12
Nationality: France
Status: 7th grade student, works part-time in the library
Hair/Hair color: Dark brown hair which always manages to stick up somehow
Eye color: Brown
Blood Type: B
Personality: Gets excited easily. Hyper, and somewhat annoying, but loves talking about his friends and family, which consist of two brothers and one sister. Wants to become a famous baseball player when he grows up.
Name: Kaiya Inoue
Age: 30
Nationality: Japan
Status: Librarian of Yokohama Church/Research captain
Hair/Hair color: Black hair with blond highlights
Eye color: Black
Blood Type: O
Personality: Caring; loves to learn. Stands up for her husband and crew no matter what. A born fighter.
Bio: Born under a Buddhist family, Kaiya did not learn about Christ until she began dating her boyfriend and later husband, David Inoue. After learning and dedicating herself to Christ, she began working in the church library. Her parents are upset at her conversion, as they are both very devout Buddhists. Kaiya is trying hard to show them the light which Jesus Christ brings.
name: Kirby Akiro
age: 15
nationality: korea
status: pastor inoue's apprentice, student
hair/hair color: black, long and messy
eye color: a dull, navy color
blood type: .....uh...
personality: quiet, reclusive, shy
bio: during the war in korea, his parents were killed from fighting. he fled with the help of a chinese fugitive who, later died herself, but managed to get to japan safely. taking up residence with pastor inoue and his wife, and also becoming pastor inoue's apprentice, he tries learning the way of the christian.
Thanks Kirby for your character incarnation! :D
Next time I post, I will add my own character incarnation as well. ^_^
Now, if you have any questions about this, please PM me. If you want, you can send me a character sheet as well, if you want to add a character to your own for the story. I will take a limit, however. This will be more fun for me than just making up all the characters. ^_^

This is Haji, Kirby, the guy that I told you about today. Sorry, I couldn't find that shirtless one I found before. T_T
My mom is pressuring me to get off, so I have to go now. Bye!
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